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Viewer List not working #93

Open Brickbandson opened 1 year ago

Brickbandson commented 1 year ago

Basically sometime ago, my viewer list stopped working. When this intially started, it would stop working for maybe a couple hours at a time, but now it just doesn't load viewer lists at all. I basically hadn't changed anything for a long time, then it suddenly stopped working. I tried removing a bunch of channels I had listed too, but that didn't seem to help. I uninstalled chatterino and re-installed it, that didn't solve the issue either. Honestly, I even restarted my computer to see if that helps, it didn't. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I dunno why it just stopped working. Maybe there's a channel limit I'm unaware of, but I hadn't added any new channels to it when it stopped working. Then one day, this problem happened and it would come back ever so often, but now it's just never loading viewer lists at all.

sando commented 1 year ago

Twitch has removed the service Chatterino previously used to get the viewer list. It's still possible to see the viewer list, but only if you are the broadcaster or moderator of the channel.

See for more details.

Brickbandson commented 1 year ago

oooh so that's why, thank you for letting me know. Hopefully twitch changes it back, I can't see a reason for twitch removing this feature