Example: Parookaville and San Hejmo share the same SanitaryCamps (San Hejmo has a subset of the ones in Parooka).
But this doesn't mean that SphereOfActions should be aggregated by Venue instead of by LiveEvent either, it's conceivable that a different event, operated by a different company, on the same venue, would define their Spheres differently.
Hence, a SphereOfAction has its own independent existence and identity, is defined by Trade type and Geo coordinates and name and venue. LiveEvents in turn, won't aggregate Spheres anymore and instead point to a particular one.
Example: Parookaville and San Hejmo share the same SanitaryCamps (San Hejmo has a subset of the ones in Parooka).
But this doesn't mean that SphereOfActions should be aggregated by Venue instead of by LiveEvent either, it's conceivable that a different event, operated by a different company, on the same venue, would define their Spheres differently.
Hence, a SphereOfAction has its own independent existence and identity, is defined by Trade type and Geo coordinates and name and venue. LiveEvents in turn, won't aggregate Spheres anymore and instead point to a particular one.