This is not as simple as just changing the call to loadModel to the Actor constructor:
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class WartsApp(ShowBase):
model = Actor(modelPath,
{"walk": "models/panda-walk4"})
- model = self.loader.loadModel(getModelPath(modelPath))
+ model = Actor(getModelPath(modelPath))
# Put the model in the scene, but don't position it yet.
rootNode = render.attachNewNode("")
If you just do that, then you get warnings for all of our models that look like:
:Actor(warning): [...]/warts/assets/models/green-ground.egg is not a character!
Based on, I suspect this may actually be as simple as "we're not listing any animations for our Actors, and anything with zero animations should be a model instead of an actor". So we may have to wait until we have a model of our own that defines more than zero animations; see #9.
This is not as simple as just changing the call to loadModel to the Actor constructor:
If you just do that, then you get warnings for all of our models that look like:
Based on, I suspect this may actually be as simple as "we're not listing any animations for our Actors, and anything with zero animations should be a model instead of an actor". So we may have to wait until we have a model of our own that defines more than zero animations; see #9.