ChemBioHTP / EnzyHTP

EnzyHTP is a python library that automates the complete life-cycle of enzyme modeling
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Fix issue #156: A bug in the preparation.protonate._fix_pybel_output and its potential cause #161

Closed SwordJack closed 5 months ago

SwordJack commented 5 months ago

Dear Colleagues,

The issue #156 is now fixed in this pull request.

Major modifications are performed to enzy_htp/preparation/

The function protonate_ligand_with_pybel can now detect the existence of hydrogen atom(s) and raise an info if Hydrogen atom(s) is detected, then remove hydrogen atoms.

The function _fix_pybel_output can now raise a ValueError if there is any hydrogen atom in the middle, i.e., the hydrogen atom(s) should be absent or at the end of the file.

Some updates to dev-tools/conda-install script are also performed to enable users to automatically install EnzyHTP solely or as a dependency, while a warning will be prompted if a user is to install it to base environment.

Best, Yinjie.