ChenYingpeng / darknet2caffe

Convert darknet weights to caffemodel
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convert the yolov3-tiny model to caffe model #3

Open SSTTfit opened 4 years ago

SSTTfit commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your help! When I convert the yolov3-tiny model to caffe model, I got this error. I saved prototxt successfully but can't convert the weightfile.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/mitc/ljy/darknet2caffe/", line 540, in darknet2caffe(cfgfile, weightfile, protofile, caffemodel) File "/home/mitc/ljy/darknet2caffe/", line 18, in darknet2caffe params = net.params File "/home/mitc/ljy/caffe/python/caffe/", line 67, in _Net_params self._layer_names, self.layers) File "/home/mitc/ljy/caffe/python/caffe/", line 68, in if len(lr.blobs) > 0]) OverflowError: cannot fit 'int' into an index-sized integer Error in `/home/mitc/ljy/anaconda3/bin/python3.6': free(): invalid pointer: 0x000000000b7ae728