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An issue in Getfeatures #2

Open JasserBoughanmi opened 5 years ago

JasserBoughanmi commented 5 years ago

when i run getFeatures and despite of having the whole requirements done , i'm having an error saying: Value passed to parameter 'shape' has DataType float32 not in list of allowed values: int32, int64 , so could you please tell me the right version of numpy , tensorflow etc.. that you've worked with cause i think that the problem comes from this packages.

antvconst commented 5 years ago

Hi! I have encountered the same problem. I updated the code to support the latest versions of required packages and also added a conda environment specification file. Check it out. You can get it from my fork.

JasserBoughanmi commented 5 years ago

thank you very much , you helped me a lot , in other hand , do you know how to generate the final result in the cvae code cause after compiling the cvae code i had only fvae and cvae files , thanks again

antvconst commented 5 years ago

That I do not know, because I haven't really tried to make sense of this approach yet due to other tasks :) Please, tell me if you find a way so I can use it later