ChengeYang / SLAM-with-Velodyne-Lidar-and-Jackal-UGV

Winter Project at Northwestern.
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How to realize pedestrians detection? #1

Open mangoandbanana opened 4 years ago

mangoandbanana commented 4 years ago

Hello! I used rosbag and bag_to_pcd to creat my own map.pcd, then I input the command with rosparam set use_sim_time true, roslaunch hdl_people_tracking hdl_people_tracking.launch, roscd hdl_localization/rviz, rviz -d hdl_localization.rviz,it just showed a static pointcloud and could not realize pedestrians detection, could you help me? thanks in advance.

ChengeYang commented 4 years ago

Not very sure about the reason. Can you try to run the launch file in /launch/include/hdl_people_tracking.launch instead?