ChenglongMa / zoplicate

A plugin that does one thing only: Detect and manage duplicate items in Zotero.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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不能自动删除重复文件 #36

Closed luxueqiang closed 1 week ago

luxueqiang commented 2 months ago

最新版本的zotero beta 不能自动删除重复文件了~ 望修复

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago


vancleve commented 2 months ago

I am also seeing this issue. After identifying the duplicated, I select either Keep This or Keep Others and both copies are retained instead of one being deleted.

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @vancleve,

Thanks for your feedback. I'll fix it soon.

Best, Chenglong

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @luxueqiang and @vancleve,

I have tested on my device, but couldn't reproduce the issue.

Could you please share some configs of your app? For example,

Thank you so much for your help! Best, Chenglong

vancleve commented 2 months ago

No prob. Here are two items where the duplicate wasn't deleted: dups.rdf.log (RDF file with .log name to upload to github)

Zoplicate 3.0.1 Zotero 7.0.0-beta.77+adaa61f2c macOS 14.4.1

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @vancleve and @luxueqiang,

Thanks for your help. I've known how to fix the bug, but I'm traveling overseas, I will release a new version next week.

Thanks for your patience.

Best, Chenglong

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @vancleve and @luxueqiang,

The issue has been fixed by Zotero. Please update Zotero (not Zoplicate 😜) to the latest version: 7.0.0-beta.78.


Best regards, Chenglong

vancleve commented 2 months ago

I've updated to beta 78 and I'm seeing the same problem, no removing the duplicate.

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @vancleve,

Could you please show me the error message after importing duplicate items?

You can get the information via Tools -> Developer -> Error console:


Thank you so much for your help!

I will try my best to fix the problem.

Best, Chenglong

vancleve commented 2 months ago

No prob:

Cooperxjt commented 2 months ago

I have the same problem.

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @vancleve, @Cooperxjt, and @luxueqiang

Thanks for your information and feedback.

I have released v3.0.2 which fixed the bug as shown in the above error messages.

Please update Zotero and Zoplicate to the latest version.

Thank you so much!

Best, Chenglong