ChenglongMa / zoplicate

A plugin that does one thing only: Detect and manage duplicate items in Zotero.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Found false negatives #37

Closed dschaehi closed 2 months ago

dschaehi commented 2 months ago

Hi @ChenglongMa,

Thanks again for the recent update, which removed all false positives in my case. However, I found false negatives today, i.e., duplicates that are not shown in duplicate items (see the items in the attached Zotero RDF file). Can you check whether this is specific to my setup or a general issue?

Best, Jae


ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Sure thing @dschaehi. I'll test it soon.

Thanks for your feedback!

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @dschaehi,

I think the most direct reason is that their DOI values ​​are different, which causes Zotero to no longer match other fields.

I'm not sure if it is common practice to treat the preprint version on Arxiv as equivalent to the published version.

Any thoughts?


Best, Chenglong

dschaehi commented 2 months ago

Hi @ChenglongMa,

I see. The thing is that often times I don't want to keep both versions and I discard the arXiv version as soon as I find a published version. There are few cases I want to keep both, because sometimes arXiv versions are more comprehensive than the published ones that are constrained by page limits. I wonder whether one can have options for both (i.e., allowing and disallowing such duplicates).

Best, Jae

ChenglongMa commented 2 months ago

Hi @dschaehi,

I came across this article.

Since January 2022, arXiv began assigning DOIs to the preprint papers. Authors are not only allowed but also encouraged to connect their papers with external DOIs. Thus, the impetus largely rests with the authors.

While developing a custom duplicate detection method appears to be the optimal solution, the current workaround may necessitate manual upkeep of these duplicates.

I will try my best to make the custom duplicate detection method available ASAP.


Best, Chenglong

dschaehi commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the information, @ChenglongMa. If there is no quick and elegant solution, then I'll wait for the new feature.

Best, Jae