ChenyangSi / FreeU

FreeU: Free Lunch in Diffusion U-Net (CVPR2024 Oral)
MIT License
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Some feedback #6

Open rkfg opened 11 months ago

rkfg commented 11 months ago

Disclaimer: I'm not an AI researcher so I could've done something wrong.

So I got it working after some minor changes and import fixes. Now when I run it with 512x768 resolution the issue is: RuntimeError: cuFFT only supports dimensions whose sizes are powers of two when computing in half precision, but got a signal size of[12, 8] I suppose that's the corresponding layer size which becomes rectangular because of the base resolution being like that. 512x512 should result in a [8, 8] array here and it all works fine.

As expected, running A1111 with --no-half makes it work but the speed is much worse.

I used the parameters for SD1.4 and simply hardcoded them to quickly test if it works at all. On a fine tuned model epiCRealism naturalSin FreeU makes the images worse: they become more saturated, the skin texture turns into plastic (maybe because we suppress the high frequency features exactly?). It starts looking more like the base models or the early fine tuned models:

Original: 1

FreeU: 2

AnimateDiff doesn't seem to work in --no-half mode, throws a CUDA error. So we're limited by 512x512. Same symptoms of oversaturation, the skin quality doesn't apply due to grain and artifacts. However, FreeU added a third hand. I tried two slightly different prompts.

Original: 02086-751880090 02085-751880090


02087-751880090 02084-751880090

The faces are garbled in all cases but to be honest I much prefer the results without FreeU. The colors are better, the anatomy is better, the skirt is much more detailed and moves more naturally.

My patch, applied to stable-diffusion-webui/repositories/stable-diffusion-stability-ai:

diff --git a/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/ b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/
index cc3875c..ede0b5a 100644
--- a/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/
+++ b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import math
 import numpy as np
 import torch as th
 import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.fft as fft
 import torch.nn.functional as F

 from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import (
@@ -418,6 +419,24 @@ class Timestep(nn.Module):
         return timestep_embedding(t, self.dim)

+def Fourier_filter(x, threshold, scale):
+    # FFT
+    x_freq = fft.fftn(x, dim=(-2, -1))
+    x_freq = fft.fftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1))
+    B, C, H, W = x_freq.shape
+    mask = th.ones((B, C, H, W)).cuda()
+    crow, ccol = H // 2, W //2
+    mask[..., crow - threshold:crow + threshold, ccol - threshold:ccol + threshold] = scale
+    x_freq = x_freq * mask
+    # IFFT
+    x_freq = fft.ifftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1))
+    x_filtered = fft.ifftn(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1)).real
+    return x_filtered
 class UNetModel(nn.Module):
     The full UNet model with attention and timestep embedding.
@@ -798,8 +817,24 @@ class UNetModel(nn.Module):
         h = self.middle_block(h, emb, context)
         for module in self.output_blocks:
-            h =[h, hs.pop()], dim=1)
-            h = module(h, emb, context)
+            if True:
+                hs_ = hs.pop()
+                # --------------- FreeU code -----------------------
+                # Only operate on the first two stages
+                if h.shape[1] == 1280:
+                    h[:,:640] = h[:,:640] * 1.2
+                    hs_ = Fourier_filter(hs_, threshold=1, scale=0.9)
+                if h.shape[1] == 640:
+                    h[:,:320] = h[:,:320] * 1.4
+                    hs_ = Fourier_filter(hs_, threshold=1, scale=0.2)
+                # ---------------------------------------------------------
+                h =[h, hs_], dim=1)
+                h = module(h, emb, context)
+            else:
+                h =[h, hs.pop()], dim=1)
+                h = module(h, emb, context)
         h = h.type(x.dtype)
         if self.predict_codebook_ids:
             return self.id_predictor(h)

The simplest way to switch between FreeU and vanilla is to change if True: to if False:. Again, it's just a hack to test if it works.

In conclusion, if everything is correct on my end, it's probably not worth it for the best fine tuned models. On the opposite, to make it work in all cases you have to run it in full 32 bit resolution at ≈3x slowdown and get images that look worse than without it. The base models sure benefit from it but honestly, who uses them except the researchers and LoRA trainers?

I hope I did a mistake somewhere so these results are all wrong. After all, I just copied the part that differs from the original code and fixed the errors to make it work, but who knows.

ChenyangSi commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your feedback. I tried AnimateDiff according to

The following results without pick:

Original: 0-best-quality,-masterpiece,-1girl,-looking-at-viewer,-blurry-background,-upper

FreeU (different factors):

0-best-quality,-masterpiece,-1girl,-looking-at-viewer,-blurry-background,-upper 0-best-quality,-masterpiece,-1girl,-looking-at-viewer,-blurry-background,-upper

rkfg commented 11 months ago

Maybe it works better for cartoon-style images and animations because they naturally lack high frequencies... What were the factors that you used in the above? I can try with anime models.

ChenyangSi commented 11 months ago

This is just a simple attempt according to the readme of AnimateDiff. We will be providing more results on the FreeU page and paper. We appreciate your continued interest.

justindujardin commented 11 months ago

Maybe it works better for cartoon-style images and animations because they naturally lack high frequencies... What were the factors that you used in the above? I can try with anime models.

@rkfg I also had poor results with FreeU, and then I started switching s1/s2/b1/b2 back to 1.0 at some point during the denoising process. The global features seem to be mostly settled early so that you can transition back to normal values between about 30% and 75% of the way through your steps.

And the results are greatly improved. I've tested it thoroughly, and most of the FreeU "fixes" are kept while still letting the fine details shine through at the end.


This is basically what I'm doing:

    steps = 30

    def cb(step, _, __):
        if step == int(steps * 0.5):

    output = pipe(prompt, num_inference_steps=steps, callback=cb)


rkfg commented 11 months ago

Mario is noticeably improved, yes, but I prefer the vanilla waterfall, it's more detailed and interesting even though the contrast is a bit lower. SD 2.1 isn't that good in general, even with finetunes. Can you try on the best 1.5 models? Both cartoon and realistic? Would be interesting to see if this method can improve the output over what we can get without it.

adhikjoshi commented 11 months ago

Maybe it works better for cartoon-style images and animations because they naturally lack high frequencies... What were the factors that you used in the above? I can try with anime models.

@rkfg I also had poor results with FreeU, and then I started switching s1/s2/b1/b2 back to 1.0 at some point during the denoising process. The global features seem to be mostly settled early so that you can transition back to normal values between about 30% and 75% of the way through your steps.

And the results are greatly improved. I've tested it thoroughly, and most of the FreeU "fixes" are kept while still letting the fine details shine through at the end.


This is basically what I'm doing:

    steps = 30


    def cb(step, _, __):

        if step == int(steps * 0.5):


    output = pipe(prompt, num_inference_steps=steps, callback=cb)


Can you share full code snippet?

kadirnar commented 11 months ago

@ChenyangSi , @rkfg Hi, have you tested with torch.complex32? It loses all features and a gray photo appears.

justindujardin commented 11 months ago


Can you share full code snippet?

I describe my changes in the diffusers repo:

dajes commented 11 months ago

RuntimeError: cuFFT only supports dimensions whose sizes are powers of two when computing in half precision, but got a signal size of[12, 8]

To fix this you can just cast x to float for this operation in the first line of the Fourier_filter function x_freq = fft.fftn(x.float(), dim=(-2, -1)) And cast back at the last line return

YisuiTT commented 11 months ago

@ChenyangSi Hi, can you share how to add FreeU code in T2V, like AnimateDiff?

ykk648 commented 11 months ago @YisuiTT you can refer to my codes

YisuiTT commented 10 months ago

@ykk648 Thank u for your codes