Chenyi0309 / dsci310-group02-project

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Feedback Addressed for [Uncovering the Drivers of Housing Prices in Beijing:The Influence of Location and Time] Review #17

Open x99i9 opened 3 months ago

x99i9 commented 3 months ago

Dear Reviewers,

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your valuable and constructive feedback. We are pleased to announce that we have incorporated most of your suggestions into our project, which has substantially improved the quality and clarity of our work.

The following actions have been taken in response to your comments:

We have refined our repository structure, ensuring that the source code is well-organized and easier to navigate. A plain-text LICENSE file containing the contents of an OSI-approved software license has been added to comply with best practices. Code Quality and Tests:

The raw data has been archived and is now accessible in a separate directory. All source code required for data analysis is available, and necessary conditions such as software dependencies are well-documented. We have streamlined the process of obtaining the computational environment by providing a Dockerfile which encapsulates all the dependencies and setup needed to reproduce the analysis with ease. And also for makefile changes. Analysis Report:

The final report has been meticulously edited to ensure that all references are properly cited and include DOIs where applicable. The significance of the research question and results has been elaborated upon, with potential use cases being highlighted to underscore the importance of our findings. Visualizations:

Based on your suggestions, we have added more context and explanations surrounding our visualizations to ensure they contribute meaningfully to the narrative of the data.

Unnecessary files, such as .ipynb_checkpoints and an empty count_report.qmd, have been removed for a cleaner repository. The Docker setup instructions have been revised for clarity, and the environment.yml file has been removed as the Dockerfile is now the primary method for setting up the project. In conclusion, we believe these improvements have addressed the key issues raised during the review. We invite you to revisit the repository at your convenience.

The updated repository can be found here:

Once again, thank you for your thoughtful feedback and the time you dedicated to reviewing our work.

Kind regards, Group two

wsl0917 commented 3 months ago

Response to Peer Review Feedback: Detailed Contributions by Yelia

Throughout the final phase of our project, Yelia focused on addressing specific concerns raised during the peer review process, as well as contributing to various aspects of project refinement. Below are the key areas where Yelia's efforts were concentrated, including the resolution of test file naming issues, enhancements to Quarto files, and collaborative efforts to improve Docker functionality and report content.

Test File Naming and Structure Optimization

Feedback: The peer review highlighted issues with the naming convention of our test files, which could potentially lead to confusion or inconsistencies in our testing framework.

Resolution: Yelia undertook a comprehensive review of our test files, standardizing the naming conventions to ensure clarity and consistency across our testing suite. This involved renaming files for better alignment with the functionality they test, thereby making it easier for future developers to navigate and understand our test cases. The changes were integrated through a series of commits, detailed here: Test File Renaming.

Enhancing Quarto Reports

Feedback: A notable concern from the peer review was the absence of references in the Quarto-generated reports, which detracted from the credibility and completeness of our analyses.

Resolution: Yelia addressed this issue by modifying the Quarto configuration and script files to ensure that references are accurately captured and displayed in the generated reports. This required troubleshooting Quarto's reference management system and applying fixes to ensure seamless integration of citations. The implementation of these enhancements can be viewed here: Quarto Commit. All the text was done by Yunxuan.

Collaborative Efforts on Docker and Report Content

Feedback: The Docker setup presented challenges, and there was room for improvement in the background, methodology, and results sections of our project report.

Resolution: Yelia played a pivotal role in collaborating with Chenyi to troubleshoot and refine the Docker file, ensuring that the containerized environment was properly configured and user-friendly. Concurrently, Yelia assisted Yunxuan in enriching the project's qmd file by adding detailed background information, a clear explanation of the methodology, and a comprehensive presentation of our findings. These collaborative efforts were crucial in enhancing the overall quality and user experience of our project. The Docker file improvements and qmd content additions are documented in these commits: Docker File Improvement Commit, QMD Content Addition Commit. All the text was done by Yunxuan.

Project Structure Review

In the final stages of the project, Yelia conducted a thorough review of the project's structure, ensuring that all components were logically organized and aligned with best practices. This review was aimed at enhancing navigability and coherence, facilitating a better understanding and utilization of the project by future users.

Contribution to Package Development

Despite the workload associated with these improvements, Yelia also dedicated a significant portion of her time to developing packages that would further enrich the project's functionality. This dual focus on both immediate improvements and long-term value addition underlines Yelia's commitment to the project's success.


We extend our deepest gratitude to the teaching team and our peers for their constructive feedback, which has been instrumental in guiding these improvements. Yelia's contributions, in particular, have been pivotal in addressing the feedback and enhancing the project on multiple fronts. As we conclude this term, we look forward to seeing the continued impact of our work and wish everyone a successful end to the semester.

Chenyi0309 commented 3 months ago

Response to Peer Review Feedback: Detailed Contributions by Chenyi

Thank you for your valuable feedback on our project. Based on the points you raised, we have made the following changes to improve our project documentation and setup process:

  1. Errors in README Instructions

Feedback: There were errors in the README instructions for setting up the project environment and Docker container.

Resolution: We corrected the ‘cd’ command to include ‘-project’ at the end of the directory name and updated the environment file creation and Docker image building instructions. We ensured the instructions are now clear and accurately reflect the required steps. These changes can be viewed in our latest commit.

  1. Clarity and Accessibility of Instructions a. Feedback: Explicit mention or direction to the Dockerfile was missing in the

Resolution: We updated the to include direct references to the Dockerfile and its location within the project repository. This change aims to make it easier for users to find and understand the significance of the Dockerfile. See the update in README section.

b. Feedback: Suggestion to specify running commands in the command prompt or terminal in the "Getting Started" section.

Resolution: We added a note in the "Getting Started" section specifying that the commands should be executed in a command prompt or terminal, catering to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The amendment is documented here: Getting Started Instructions.

c. Feedback: Recommendation to streamline setup instructions focusing on Docker and removing redundant steps related to ‘environment.yml’.

Resolution: We streamlined the setup instructions to focus solely on Docker, removing references to the ‘environment.yml’ file. This simplification is aimed at making the project setup process more straightforward. Updated instructions are found here: Docker Setup Instructions.

d. Feedback: Adding a note about downloading and opening Docker to pull the Docker image.

Resolution: We included a new section in the to guide users through downloading, installing, and opening Docker before attempting to run the project. This addition addresses potential gaps in users' knowledge regarding Docker. Refer to the updated Docker Installation Guide.

  1. Improving Reproducibility Feedback: Difficulty in reproducing the project due to incomplete README file instructions.

Resolution: We thoroughly revised the README file to include clear, step-by-step instructions and necessary command line prompts for setting up and executing the project analysis using Docker. These enhancements aim to improve the reproducibility of our project for all users. Check the comprehensive guide here: Complete Project Setup and Execution Guide.

  1. Explicit Dependency Versions Feedback: Suggestion to explicitly state dependency versions in the installation instructions.

Resolution: We updated the Dockerfile to specify versions for all dependencies, reducing ambiguity and enhancing reproducibility. The specific versions are now documented in the Dockerfile and mentioned in the for transparency.

These changes were made in response to the feedback received, with the intention of improving the project's clarity, accessibility, and reproducibility. We hope these modifications make it easier for future users to engage with and learn from our analysis.

For further details on the changes, please refer to the respective sections of the updated and the project's Dockerfile. Your continued feedback is appreciated as we aim to make our project as user-friendly and accessible as possible.

Best regards, Chenyi

wsl0917 commented 3 months ago

Response to Peer Review Feedback: Detailed Contributions by Yunxuan

In response to feedback from our peer review, Yunxuan focused on refining and expanding our project report to better articulate our findings and methodologies. Here's a closer look at Yunxuan's contributions:

Enriching the Report Content

Makefile Adjustments

Enhancing Readability and Completeness

Yunxuan's dedication to enhancing the project report has significantly contributed to the project's clarity and impact. These improvements not only address the constructive feedback received but also reinforce our commitment to providing valuable insights into Beijing's housing market.

Chenyi0309 commented 3 months ago

Response to Peer Review Feedback: Detailed Contributions by Prabhjot

In response to valuable feedback from our peer review highlighting the presence of unneeded files and empty content within our repository, our team took decisive action to streamline and organize our project repository for clarity and efficiency. Moreover, clear results and a background were added to the README to enhance understandability of the project. Here's an overview of the actions taken:

Enriching the Report Content in README

Background Section: I crafted a background section in our README file to provide the user a project overview and enable them to see the importance of the project.

Results Section: I added a revised version of the results section in the README file to clearly outline the results of our data analysis.

Removal of Unnecessary Files

Repository Cleanup and Organization

Commitment to Project Excellence