ChessAnalysis / chess-analysis

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release plans #9

Open ankan-ban opened 8 years ago

ankan-ban commented 8 years ago

Do you already have positions from all games in FEN format? Any plans of releasing them to public domain?

Are you planning to release the end result of your work (database of evaluated FEN positions) to public domain?

FAMILIAR-project commented 8 years ago


Yes we plan! We have two "issues" but I am quite optimistic we will resolve them quickly.

First, the whole dataset is 1+ To so we need to find an infrastructure for hosting.
A second problem is the license of the dataset. It will be free, perhaps in the public domain, but the concern I have so far is related to games (PGN) themselves: are there free? what are the licenses of such games? Any pointer to a discussion will be very helpful!

By the way we published a small report on the dataset:

jkrabbenbos commented 6 years ago

What is the current status on making the FEN database publicly available e.g. for research?

There are a lot of PGN files in the public domain, containing old games. Next to that, have a look at this old discussion about copyright and PGN: As long as you only have the moves and no comments from whatever source, I think it is allowed. There were also several world championship were the right to display the moves were disputed even in court.

avivmel commented 6 months ago

Is there any update on the dataset release?