Chevrotain / chevrotain

Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript
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AT_LEAST_ONE doesn't include any children. #1990

Closed joelburget closed 9 months ago

joelburget commented 9 months ago

I created a minimal repro:


Warning: Warning: No LINE_BREAKS Found.
    This Lexer has been defined to track line and column information,
    But none of the Token Types can be identified as matching a line terminator.
    for details.
  literal_list: [
      name: "literal_list",
      children: {}
69 |
70 |   return visitor.visit(cst);
71 | }
72 |
73 | test("expr", () => {
74 |   expect(() => parseExpr("1")).not.toThrow();
error: expect(received).not.toThrow()

Error name: "TypeError"
Error message: "undefined is not an object (evaluating '')"

      at /Users/joel/code/del/parser.test.ts:74:2
✗ expr [1.98ms]

As you can see, children: {}. Shouldn't there be children?

msujew commented 9 months ago

Your literal_list rule is invalid:

private literal_list = this.RULE("literal_list", () => {
-  this.AT_LEAST_ONE(this.literal);
+  this.AT_LEAST_ONE(() => this.SUBRULE(this.literal));

That should resolve the issue.