ChewKeanHo / AutomataCI

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Remove Reprepro Dependencies & Limitations for Releasing .deb Package #336

Open hollowaykeanho opened 2 weeks ago

hollowaykeanho commented 2 weeks ago


Debian actually documented the repository format here: and reprepro tends to overcomplicate things so bad that it restricts everything from working efficiently. Hence, it's best we develop the algorithm internally and drop reprepro entirely.

Expected Behavior

Reprepro dependency is dropped and AutomataCI can publish .deb repository internally.

Current Behavior

.deb repository publication still depends on Reprepro.

Associated Data Files

No response

hollowaykeanho commented 2 weeks ago

Since we're removing an entire hard-coded implementations (reprepro internal execution), it should be marked as non backward-compatible even though it is. This is to reduce assumptions.

hollowaykeanho commented 1 week ago

Implemented: 6177ccaea21f1d27796fd889257fdfdef1cf1d8a