Cheyenne-Moutain-Computer-Science-Club / spoonSite

A website for that blasted Spoon Game
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Create rules page #31

Closed hmellow closed 1 year ago

hmellow commented 1 year ago

And make it epic!

hmellow commented 1 year ago

(and maybe figure out exactly what the rules are)

hmellow commented 1 year ago


All rules are made to protect student safety, learning, and privacy. The rules are, but not limited to the following…

All school rules listed in the student handbook apply to this game. The following areas are considered “safe zones” and you can not be tagged while in these zones: bathrooms, classrooms, athletic practices, parking lot, locker rooms, library, computer lab, Kiva, the gyms, weight room, field, and pool while class is in session, and anywhere that is not inside the physical school building, except the stadium. Gameplay will commence in these areas: hallways, cafeteria, in the courtyard, in the gyms while there is no class and at after school events (sports games, etc). If your class is moving from one place in the school to another as a group during class time, gameplay will commence and to avoid being tagged you must hold your spoon in the hallway until you reach your new location (ie. fire drill, moving from classroom to library, assemblies) Classrooms, library, computer lab, and Kiva are not safe zones before school (up to the beginning of 1st period @ 8:25 am) and after school (starting @ 3:45 pm) unless it is a Zero-Hour classroom. There will be no running or yelling; this will result in removal from the game. Spoons must be held in your hand and visible to other players, not attached to your body with tape, string, or on clothing (pocket) etc. If you forget to bring or lose your spoon, you will run the risk of being tagged at any time. Only the spoon you are given at the beginning of the game keeps you safe from being tagged. Once you are tagged, please turn-in your spoon to the front office so that we can use them again next year. Any disagreements among players will result in the removal of both parties. By agreeing to these rules you are giving permission for the use of your picture and name.

hmellow commented 1 year ago

Understanding the Game:

This is a game of tag. You are both tagging and avoiding being tagged by other players. As long as you are holding a spoon in your hand, you are safe, and cannot be tagged. Form alliances with your friends to eliminate other friend groups. You will be provided with a custom ID card. You must have this on you at all times. If you lose it, you will not be provided with a new one. We recommend you take a picture of it on your phone so you always have a copy of it. At the beginning of the game, you will be given one unique spoon. If you lose or break it, you will be spoonless and vulnerable for the rest of the game. If you see someone holding a spoon that is not the same as the unique one everyone is given at the beginning of the game, you can tag them. To see who else is in the game, you will access a database on your phone to see who you can tag. Names will be removed from the database daily. If you are tagged in a game play area (see below) by another player, and your spoon is not in your hand or you are holding a spoon different from the one you were given at the beginning of the game, you are out, and must give the tagger your ID card. Collected ID cards of players that are tagged must be dropped in the “ID collection box” in the front office by the tagger. The tagger has the option to write their name (the same name as the one they used to register) on the back of every ID card they collect if they wish to receive points for each tag. If there happens to be more than one winner at the end of the game, the prize pot will be distributed based on points. Players will be able to access a points leaderboard on their phone throughout the game. Players can play on the behalf of a club, class, or sports team of their choice. If they are the only winner, everybody in the group they choose will get a prize as well. The last remaining player(s) at the end of the game will split the prize pot (half of whatever is raised).

hmellow commented 1 year ago
