ChiChou / bagbak

Yet another frida based iOS dumpdecrypted. Also decrypts app extensions
MIT License
1.12k stars 184 forks source link

cant decrypt app (parcel) #116

Closed Geczy closed 11 months ago

Geczy commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug

bagbak does not catch an error from frida. and why does this error happen anyway?

To Reproduce

/home/pi/ipa-test/node_modules/.bin/bagbak -o /home/pi/ipa-test/decrypted/

Expected behavior



/home/pi/ipa-test/node_modules/.bin/bagbak -o /home/pi/ipa-test/decrypted/
[info] pulling app bundle from device, please be patient
[info] downloaded 895 files and 289 folders
[info] app bundle downloaded
            triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

Error: (NULL)
    at value (frida/runtime/core.js:229)
    at newDump (/script1.js:35)
    at apply (native)
    at <anonymous> (frida/runtime/message-dispatcher.js:13)
    at c (frida/runtime/message-dispatcher.js:23) {
  fileName: 'frida/runtime/core.js',
  lineNumber: 229

Node.js v19.9.0

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