ChiChou / bagbak

Yet another frida based iOS dumpdecrypted. Also decrypts app extensions
MIT License
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Fatal Error on Uncover 3.7 #36

Closed appengine8848 closed 4 years ago

appengine8848 commented 4 years ago

C:\Users\jk>bagbak Chrome FATAL ERROR [Error: Unexpected error while starting thread (act_set_state returned '(os/kern) protection failure')]

win10 ipad mini5+ ios12.2 uncover3.7

ChiChou commented 4 years ago

What about manually launching the app first then retry the same command?

appengine8848 commented 4 years ago

same as old. _S_F7EDZ@SLMO XP)9E%MP1

bagbak Chrome btw: frida version on ios is 12.7.22

ChiChou commented 4 years ago

这个错误是 unc0ver 上 frida 不能注入 pkd,但我没有设备复现

如果你不需要 AppExtension,可以暂时升级 bagbak@1.4.3 并使用 --no-extension 跳过这个步骤

ChiChou commented 4 years ago

Duplicate of #34