ChiChou / bagbak

Yet another frida based iOS dumpdecrypted. Also decrypts app extensions
MIT License
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脱壳失败请教 #47

Closed p845591892 closed 1 year ago

p845591892 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug 报错 FATAL ERROR [Error: failed to get the task for process 8870] 并且APP后续无法正常运行

To Reproduce 手机已越狱,安装了Frida,Mac安装Node.js完毕,工具bagbak也安装完毕,bagbak -l能看到列表 执行 bagbak -e app名/包名 失败 输入指令后APP打开,但仅停留封面,不再继续往下运行,接着控制台报错,之后APP再无法从手机上打开

Expected behavior 成功脱壳

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context 想问下这个工具有没有对iPhone机型和iOS版本有要求,我把能试的脱壳方法都试了,这个操作最简单,但也没成功

ChiChou commented 3 years ago

com.DuYi.SNH48 有越狱检测主动退出了,你什么都不干也是无法运行的

p845591892 commented 3 years ago


ChiChou commented 3 years ago 这个可以用

p845591892 commented 3 years ago 这个可以用


ChiChou commented 1 year ago

v3.x 大幅修改实现之后可以拖了