ChiLiubio / meconetcomp

Compare microbial co-occurrence networks based on the trans_network class of microeco package
GNU General Public License v3.0
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cal_sum_links function rowNames problem #9

Closed RubyDeerLu closed 2 months ago

RubyDeerLu commented 2 months ago

Hi Chi,

Thank for your excellent package. it's very helpful.

I am struggling with _cal_sumlinks function, please see the problem below:

network21$cal_sum_links(taxa_level = "Phylum") Error in .rowNamesDF<-(x, value = value) : missing values in 'row.names' are not allowed

I run the code step by step, until private$sum_link(taxa_table = taxa_table, link_table = link_table_use, taxa_level = taxa_level), since I cannot see what is "private$sum_link".



RubyDeerLu commented 2 months ago

Fixed, hahaha~ I used "unclassified" to replace NA in the tax_table, and it works now. Anyway, thank you for your marvellous packages again.
