Chia-Network / bladebit

A high-performance k32-only, Chia (XCH) plotter supporting in-RAM and disk-based plotting
Apache License 2.0
339 stars 109 forks source link

Latest 3.0.0 build does not allow device specification #368

Closed XCHSystems closed 11 months ago

XCHSystems commented 11 months ago

I have tried both the -d and --device option, with two GPUs, GPU0 and GPU1, even if I specify GPU1 it always uses GPU0 so clearly this is not working

XCHSystems commented 11 months ago

I found the issue, it is not documented in the --help

but the -d option has to be specified in between cudaplot and the target folder

nbit99 commented 11 months ago

I have two GPUS, I need the -d too!

harold-b commented 11 months ago

It's documented here

The format is bladebit <GLOBAL_OPTIONS> <sub_command> <COMMAND_OPTIONS>. where -d is part of the subcommand cudaplot so it must come after the subcommand.

GLOBAL_OPTIONS must go before the command, then any option following a command are considered options belonging to that command.

So to specify any of the options belonging to cudaplot they have to be specify after it: bladebit_cuda -z 1 -p ... -c ... cudaplot -d 2 --disk-128 ... /my/plot/dir

harold-b commented 11 months ago

You can get command-specific help test with bladebit_cuda help <command> or (depending on the command bladebit_cuda <command> --help