Chia-Network / drplotter

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Missing every other signage point when using DrHarvester with BBC7 plots #63

Open LeroyINC opened 1 month ago

LeroyINC commented 1 month ago

Currently I have a bunch of C7 plots that I plan on converting to DrPlots.. but I want to farm both on the same machine while I slowly transition.

so I created a few plots... started my own DrServer and DrSolver without issues.

I had already run the regular chia harvester on this machine for a while with no issues. so when I launched the DrHarvester I did not need to do any config stuff (as my understanding is that it re-uses the chia config)

Everything seems to be running but when I look at the chia GUI running on my Full Node\Farmer it looks strange. It looks like every other signage point is missing for all the plots. Is this something cosmetic? or is it really skipping them?

Attached is a screen shot.

Any thoughts?

DrHarvester Skip

LeroyINC commented 1 month ago

just seeing if this is what anyone else sees or if its only in my setup?

LeroyINC commented 1 week ago

is it possible this is juts cosmetic and the drchia harvester is not sending lookup times for non drplots to the farmer?