Chiang97912 /

The scraper of
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IP block #1

Open elpaxel opened 4 years ago

elpaxel commented 4 years ago

Is there some sort of IP block on bet365 ? Because when I repeatedly restarting script it starts returning nothing after subscribing to channel (OVInPlay). So session key in script always different but in browser it remains the same and refreshed after some time. The question is did you noticed that or problem is somewhere else ?

Chiang97912 commented 4 years ago

Not IP block, It's a bug in the code. If set the language to cn(Chinese), it works fine. Because I used to grab Chinese information, and later changed it to English, so there may be some bugs, you can try to change the language to cn. This bug has not found a solution yet.

vasilgmarkov commented 4 years ago

Hey there. Is there a way to scrap also the shoots in the target for each game? thx

elpaxel commented 4 years ago

What is "shoots in the target" ? It's like kills or literally bullet shots in the enemy ?

vasilgmarkov commented 4 years ago

Well, this one,

elpaxel commented 4 years ago

Oh I'm sorry )) I was using this library for CS:GO and thought that you want the same. I can't help you with this but I have xlsx file with some (maybe all) field explanation. Found it somewhere on github. Maybe it will help you. bet365.fields.xlsx

nennysart commented 3 years ago

hello, there is a way also to bet automatically on bet365? is it possible with python?

lucastrovao commented 1 year ago

There is Away