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Herodotus Egypt - Week 2 #28

Closed Savannah-Bailey closed 1 month ago

Savannah-Bailey commented 1 month ago

Progress Report:

I have annotated through chapter 17 since I began work on Tuesday. I am slightly behind were I wish to be at the end of the first week but I am not concerned as I have undertaken extra responsibilities this week that I will be finished with by next week. My goal was to try to do around 23-25 chapters per week and so I plan on being through around chapter 50 by the end of next week. I have become very well acquainted with both Recogito and Github now and am also increasing my understanding of Greek so I feel as though I will work a little bit faster next week. At the end of this week I still have a few specific questions that I need to clarify in order to move forward.

When Herodotus refers to Arabia (Arabian mountain and Arabian Gulf as well), Aethiopia, Syria, Libya, Asia, and Europe I am not entirely sure where to tag these places since I know they were different in antiquity. Similarly, When Herodotus talks about the "Sea called Red" is he talking about the Red Sea that we know or the Indian Ocean (ex. Chapter 11, Section 1)?

In Chapter 2, Section 4 I was unsure whether his use of "Φρύγας" was in reference to Phrygians as a collective since the word form is in the plural form or whether it was in reference to Phrygian as a language since that is what the translation on Scaife Viewer seems to believe.

In Chapter 8, Section 3 is one of his uses of "Αἰγύπτου" and "Αἴγυπτος " in reference to the Nile or are they both just talking about Egypt?

In Chapter 9, Section 2 are his two uses of "Θηβέων" referencing the location Thebes like the translation alludes to or the people of Thebes since it is in plural genitive form?

In Chapter 15, section 1 should I tag "Ταριχηίων τῶν Πηλουσιακῶν" as a collective since it is talking about a group of people and add a location at Pelusium or just tag it as a location since that is what the text seems to be using it as?

I'm so sorry for the influx of questions :,).