Provides easier interaction with Socrata open data portals Users can provide a 'Socrata' data set resource URL, or a 'Socrata' Open Data API (SoDA) web query, or a 'Socrata' "human-friendly" URL, returns an R data frame. Converts dates to 'POSIX' format. Manages throttling by 'Socrata'.
The examples could cause a failure with CRAN testing.
The best way to avoid this is to make sure they are not executed using ROxygen's \dontrun{}
They mainly use, which has been generally reliable in the past, but TylerTech / Socrata will not make any assurances of future support or reliability.
The examples could cause a failure with CRAN testing.
The best way to avoid this is to make sure they are not executed using ROxygen's
They mainly use, which has been generally reliable in the past, but TylerTech / Socrata will not make any assurances of future support or reliability.