Chicago / design-cds-bootstrap

The Chicago Design System as a Bootstrap 4 theme
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Define data visualization standards for CDS #12

Open abby-lammers opened 4 years ago

abby-lammers commented 4 years ago

Define basic styling for data visualization. A basic set of styles might include font and color hierarchy. The USWDS does not have any data visualization guidelines.

Current State

There have been some attempts by the City to use the CDS in data visualization, mainly the casino survey results report. The online version and the pdf version have different data vis styles. Here's an example graph from the online report. This graph is not necessarily what CDS graphics should look like, it's just one example of the current (unregulated) manifestation of the brand.


Other design systems

Material includes some guidelines for data visualization:

jdkunesh commented 4 years ago

Basic set of data visualization charts:

simple website functions that describe three common graphs in the city web pages.