Chicago / lead-safe-api-docs
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Setup automatic deployment to dev website #32

Closed tomschenkjr closed 6 years ago

tomschenkjr commented 6 years ago

The plan is to post the Lead Safe API docs to the city's Developer website under the "resources" menu.

To do this, we must "deploy" the documentation from GitHub to a sub-directory on an S3 bucket where is hosted. The directory must be located within directory.

We should use Travis CI to run the necessary mkdocs build to compile the inputs to the final website. Travis CI can then "deploy" to the S3 bucket.

See the Open311 docs as an example for this same process.

Note: the gh-pages branch will be deprecated or perhaps just used to test the display of changes to the documentation.

tomschenkjr commented 6 years ago

I've prepared the necessary work and is ready on the dev branch. I've switched-on Travis CI for this project, but Travis CI will only kick-off when there is a .travis.yml file on the master branch.

The configuration will build mkDocs and copy the site to It's fine if we copy files prior to the official "launch" because it's unlikely to be discovered until we add links from to the documentation (see Chicago/ and Chicago/

When we promote this to master, we should check that the aforementioned link is working.

geneorama commented 6 years ago

Update for status meeting tomorrow; I don't have this done yet, but I'm planning to tackle this next week.