Chicago / metalicious

An open source data dictionary which can be deployed to track the metadata of one or more databases.
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Tying metalicious databases to data portal datasets #24

Closed jpvelez closed 10 years ago

jpvelez commented 10 years ago

The databases in the the dictionary are the sources for all/most of the datasets on a city's data portal.

To get complete transparency, and to allow cities to keep track of what ETL scripts they have floating around that get data from these systems and put it on their portal, it would be excellent to be able to associate databases in metalicious with datasets on a data portal.

You could keep this pretty lightweight - just associate a list of Socrata dataset id's with a given database in metalicious, and get fetch any additional data you might want about these datasets - their name, number of downloads, when they were last updated, whatever - from the Socrata Open Data API.

This would be a similar approach to how we built the project repository for the open gov hack night website - by only entering in Github repos and fetching all other data from the Github API. The code for that is here.

danxoneil commented 10 years ago

Might be better to add this as a comment to #19

jpvelez commented 10 years ago

Great idea! Closing this issue and porting the comment over.