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Installing Geneorama #9

Closed aginensky closed 4 years ago

aginensky commented 4 years ago

To install devtools, I needed to upgrade to a newer version of R. Fine- done and done. However when I went to install geneorama/geneorama , it demanded the Rtools package. I got the message Rtools is not available for R 3.6.01 (or whatever the current version might be). I was able to download Rtools directly (and not via install.packages). Might it make sense to create a checkpoint for the project ? Or maybe a docker container ?

wsrizal commented 4 years ago

In order to install geneorama/geneorama through a recent installation of RStudio, I installed a package called "gitinstall":


Once that's installed, I was able to use this syntax to install geneorama:


geneorama commented 4 years ago

@wsrizal @aginensky apologies, I didn't understand the issue Sunday.

@aginensky did you get it to install?

I didn't think RTools was necessary for devtools, but I don't remember.

@wsrizal Thanks for the info on the githubinstall library, I'm definitely using this in the future. Has a much smaller footprint than devtools

> tools::package_dependencies("devtools")
 [1] "usethis"     "callr"       "cli"         "covr"       
 [5] "crayon"      "desc"        "digest"      "DT"         
 [9] "ellipsis"    "glue"        "git2r"       "httr"       
[13] "jsonlite"    "memoise"     "pkgbuild"    "pkgload"    
[17] "rcmdcheck"   "remotes"     "rlang"       "roxygen2"   
[21] "rstudioapi"  "rversions"   "sessioninfo" "stats"      
[25] "testthat"    "tools"       "utils"       "withr"      

> tools::package_dependencies("githubinstall")
[1] "curl"       "data.table" "devtools"   "httr"       "jsonlite"  
[6] "mockery"    "utils" 
aginensky commented 4 years ago

@gene- As per my comments, I did get it to open and I was able to play with the data.