Chicago / west-nile-virus-predictions

Algorithm to predict repeated positive results for West Nile Virus for mosquitoes captured in traps across Chicago.
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Add new measure for model performance based on planned intervention #16

Closed geneorama closed 7 years ago

geneorama commented 7 years ago

Currently sprays occur if there are two weeks in a row with WNV.

We should add to the model a measure that checks how many times we were right on the second week given that the first week was positive.

geneorama commented 7 years ago

This turned out to be trivial. I already have a variable for last week, and the y value is this week, so this measure was simply last week == this week.

Based on the two weeks in a row number here's the spread of scores: image

Here’s the ROC curves for the holdout year 2016 image

Here is the confusion matrix for the new two weeks in a row measure, using "two weeks in a row" as the target for the model.

        r true_pos true_neg false_neg false_pos sensitivity specificity     recall precision   fmeasure
 1: 0.000      116        0         0       866  1.00000000   0.0000000 1.00000000 0.1181263 0.21129326
 2: 0.025      116      747         0       119  1.00000000   0.8625866 1.00000000 0.4936170 0.66096866
 3: 0.050      116      747         0       119  1.00000000   0.8625866 1.00000000 0.4936170 0.66096866
 4: 0.075      116      747         0       119  1.00000000   0.8625866 1.00000000 0.4936170 0.66096866
 5: 0.100      116      749         0       117  1.00000000   0.8648961 1.00000000 0.4978541 0.66475645
 6: 0.125      116      750         0       116  1.00000000   0.8660508 1.00000000 0.5000000 0.66666667
 7: 0.150      116      752         0       114  1.00000000   0.8683603 1.00000000 0.5043478 0.67052023
 8: 0.175      116      755         0       111  1.00000000   0.8718245 1.00000000 0.5110132 0.67638484
 9: 0.200      116      762         0       104  1.00000000   0.8799076 1.00000000 0.5272727 0.69047619
10: 0.225      115      767         1        99  0.99137931   0.8856813 0.99137931 0.5373832 0.69696970
11: 0.250      113      775         3        91  0.97413793   0.8949192 0.97413793 0.5539216 0.70625000
12: 0.275      112      785         4        81  0.96551724   0.9064665 0.96551724 0.5803109 0.72491909
13: 0.300      111      792         5        74  0.95689655   0.9145497 0.95689655 0.6000000 0.73754153
14: 0.325      105      797        11        69  0.90517241   0.9203233 0.90517241 0.6034483 0.72413793
15: 0.350       98      804        18        62  0.84482759   0.9284065 0.84482759 0.6125000 0.71014493
16: 0.375       89      811        27        55  0.76724138   0.9364896 0.76724138 0.6180556 0.68461538
17: 0.400       79      823        37        43  0.68103448   0.9503464 0.68103448 0.6475410 0.66386555
18: 0.425       74      825        42        41  0.63793103   0.9526559 0.63793103 0.6434783 0.64069264
19: 0.450       69      833        47        33  0.59482759   0.9618938 0.59482759 0.6764706 0.63302752
20: 0.475       61      839        55        27  0.52586207   0.9688222 0.52586207 0.6931818 0.59803922
21: 0.500       42      845        74        21  0.36206897   0.9757506 0.36206897 0.6666667 0.46927374
22: 0.525       35      855        81        11  0.30172414   0.9872979 0.30172414 0.7608696 0.43209877
23: 0.550       27      857        89         9  0.23275862   0.9896074 0.23275862 0.7500000 0.35526316
24: 0.575       21      858        95         8  0.18103448   0.9907621 0.18103448 0.7241379 0.28965517
25: 0.600       18      860        98         6  0.15517241   0.9930716 0.15517241 0.7500000 0.25714286
26: 0.625       13      862       103         4  0.11206897   0.9953811 0.11206897 0.7647059 0.19548872
27: 0.650        8      865       108         1  0.06896552   0.9988453 0.06896552 0.8888889 0.12800000
28: 0.675        5      866       111         0  0.04310345   1.0000000 0.04310345 1.0000000 0.08264463
29: 0.700        1      866       115         0  0.00862069   1.0000000 0.00862069 1.0000000 0.01709402
30: 0.725        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
31: 0.750        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
32: 0.775        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
33: 0.800        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
34: 0.825        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
35: 0.850        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
36: 0.875        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
37: 0.900        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
38: 0.925        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
39: 0.950        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
40: 0.975        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN
41: 1.000        0      866       116         0  0.00000000   1.0000000 0.00000000       NaN        NaN

That’s not the best cutoff, but we wouldn’t know that until the end of the season. The .2 mark is a sort of “let’s not miss anything” level.