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May 2022 topic list #13

Closed GambolingPangolin closed 2 years ago

GambolingPangolin commented 2 years ago

ECDSA implementation bug in many Java versions

Christewart commented 2 years ago

Is the bitcoin network slowing down?

MatulefM commented 2 years ago

Simple step one for quantum

Understanding RGB protocol

Current Trends in Ransomware

U.S. Treasury Designates Facilitators of Russian Sanctions Evasion

bitdern commented 2 years ago

Would anyone be interested in discussing the pros/cons of BIP-119?

Apologies if this has already been discussed

GambolingPangolin commented 2 years ago

I wouldn't mind revisiting BIP119. There is a recent mailing list post that we could touch on:

GambolingPangolin commented 2 years ago

Bitcoin core 23 released with cjdns support

MatulefM commented 2 years ago

BIP 119 (OP-CTV) & Bitcoin Protocols for Changes

Resource page: by BTC Gandalf

Discussion questions for consideration:

OP-CTV questions:

Protocol Changes Questions:

GambolingPangolin commented 2 years ago

New wallet with interesting feature set.

MatulefM commented 2 years ago

The Central African Republic (CAR) Adoptes Bitcoin as Legal Tender

New Software Release: Braiins Farm Proxy

Magma: A New Channel Marketplace on Lightning

Introducing Blocktank LSP

Panama Assembly Passes Bill Regulating Bitcoin, Crypto

Introducing Multiplexer: incoming payment fail-over for Lightning

Bitcoin Mining Council Submits Letter to US Environmental Protection Agency

Congestion Control Arrives in Tor 0.4.7-stable!

Bitcoin Is Halfway To The Next Halving

New Lightning Only VPN Service LNVPN

Christewart commented 2 years ago

Protocol Changes Questions:

* What is the protocol for changing Bitcoin? Historically, how has this happened with upgrades like SegWit and Taproot?

* What is Speedy Trial?

* What are UASF and URSF?

* Is a clear and defined process a potential attack vector?

* Should each new proposal achieve “consensus” uniquely, even if disjointed and resource consuming?

* As Bitcoin continues to scale with layers, what do you think about the concept of base layer ossification?

* How will Bitcoin governance dynamics change over time as the network grows?

I think it would be useful to cover the history of soft forks in bitcoin (specifically how the activation mechamisms have evovled). BitMEX research has a great blog post here about all of them up to segwit:

GambolingPangolin commented 2 years ago