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January 2023 topics #38

Closed GambolingPangolin closed 1 year ago

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

[bitcoin-dev] Ephemeral Anchors: Fixing V3 Package RBF againstpackage limit pinning

#LegendsOfLightning 2022 Winners

[Lightning-dev] Factory-Optimized Protocols For Lightning

[Lightning-dev] Jamming against Channel Jamming

The Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act is an opportunistic, unconstitutional assault on cryptocurrency self custody, developers, and node operators

Jack Dorsey Provides 14 Bitcoin Grant to Open Source Distributed Communication Protocol 'Nostr' with Goal of Censorship Resistant Twitter Replacement

HRF Bitcoin Development Fund Awards $325,000 In New Grants

Paul Sztorc Launches 'Layer 2 Labs' Company to Promote and Develop Drivechains Proposal with $3M Seed Funding

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

Nunchuk Releases Collaborative Custody Subscription Plans Focused on Inheritance Planning

Fedimint Hackathon: Win Bitcoin for Creating Fedimint Modules, 2.58 Bitcoin in Prizes

Coinbase Pays $50M to NY Gov and Promises to Surveil Users More

New Whirlpool Client Written in Rust: Compatible with BDK Based Wallets

Luke Dash jr's PGP key compromised and bitcoin stolen

[Lightning-dev] Swap-in-Potentiam: Moving Onchain Funds "Instantly" To Lightning