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April 2023 Topics #47

Closed MatulefM closed 1 year ago

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

Lightning Accelerator “In Wolf’s Clothing” Announces First Cohort, World-Class List of Investors and Mentors

[bitcoin-dev] Using service bit 24 for utreexo signaling in testnet and signet

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

Should We Be Worried About Bitcoin Ossification

BitMEX Research - Log new headers & Fork Monitor

How Africans Are Using Bitcoin Without Internet Access

Bitcoin Product Community

95% of Nostr Zaps Go To Custodial Wallets

Over 1 GB memory used by mempool #mempoolreport

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

The RESTRICT Act creates blanket authority, with few checks, to ban just about anything linked to a ‘foreign adversary’

Route Blinding Has Been Merged Into The Lightning Spec

'LinkingLion': An Entity Linking Bitcoin Transactions to IPs?

ZeroSync: An Initiative To Bring Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Bitcoin

[Lightning-dev] Resizing Lightning Channels Off-Chain With Hierarchical Channels

BIP-327 Merged: MuSig2 for BIP340-compatible Multi-Signatures