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July 2023 Topics #60

Closed MatulefM closed 1 year ago

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

[bitcoin-dev] BIP for Silent Payments

Zapping Notes Is Not Allowed, Says Apple, As The Battle For Zaps on App Store Continues

Zeus v0.7.6 Update Rejection By Apple Highlights A Need For Open Alternatives

Bitcoin Satellite v0.2.4 on Bitcoin Core v25.0 Released

Bitcoin Volunteer Opportunity Board for FOSS Projects Launched

Block Opens Public Beta of Bitkey, Partners with Cash App and Coinbase

Binance Pool Launches BTC Transaction Accelerator

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

[Lightning-dev] Proposal: Bundled payments

Announcing LDK Node

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

Prime Trust Placed Into Receivership, Lost $82M of Customer Funds

PDK: A Payjoin SDK

[bitcoin-dev] New transaction policies (nVersion=3) for contracting protocols

MatulefM commented 1 year ago

Bitcoin Script Project: Sharing Resources On The State of Bitcoin Development

A Technical Walkthrough of Hash Time Locked Contracts and Lightning Channel Operations

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: United Arab Emirates

AI for All: Powering APIs and Large Language Models with Lightning