Chicken-Bones / CodeChickenCore

MIT License
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Minecraft crashing caused by: codechicken.core.NetworkClosedException #111

Open DanDumb opened 2 years ago

DanDumb commented 2 years ago

I've been getting a problem, while trying to play a 1.5.2 modpack, where I'm unable to join my friends' Minecraft server. The server is very new but I've been able to log onto it a couple times before. Now when I join it after a minute of loading the game crashes and gives me this crash report. I deleted the player data and tried to see if i could do it with a different world. After trying to fix it for a few hours over 2 days and only being able to find 4 people with the same problem none of which were able to fix it I decided to ask here. I tried redownloading the mod, the modpack, and disabling my firewall with no luck. I was wondering if anyone knows a fix to this problem, thank you.

DanDumb commented 2 years ago

I have java version 8 update 311