Chicken-Bones / CodeChickenLib

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Rendering / Tessellation errors - multiple mods affected - CCExtendedBlockRendererDispatcher #66

Closed MxtressMyxx closed 7 years ago

MxtressMyxx commented 7 years ago

The following line has appeared in the crash reports of at least a dozen different testing instances across my attempts to load crash-free debug worlds:

codechicken.lib.render.block.CCExtendedBlockRendererDispatcher.func_175018_a( (if you google search for this verbatim you can see how many different mods are affected)

I have taken quite a bit of time trying to research the cause of this issue and I cannot determine if it is the fault of the lib or the fault of the individual mods. All I can glean from my testing efforts and research is either there is a critical fault in this function, or mod authors are using it improperly. What breaks that theory however, is that this error is called on and crashes mods that don't even depend on ccl.

Please let me know what I may do to assist in rooting out the cause of these crashes as this error .

asiekierka commented 7 years ago

Wrong repo. Try

MxtressMyxx commented 7 years ago

And a critical misunderstanding of the issue we were having. Sorry for the noise.