Chicken-Bones / EnderStorage

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[Suggestion] Ender Bucket #57

Open jawsawn opened 9 years ago

jawsawn commented 9 years ago

I suddenly got this idea after watching one of the spotlights. I think this idea would easily blend with the mod. So like ender pouches link up to ender chests, there will be an ender bucket which links up to ender tanks. Lets you place liquids directly from tanks to world. Shift clicking the bucket would cycle between Input and Output modes. Orange output lets you place the liquid in the world, blue input lets you suck up the water from world or from other tanks. That would be neat for building that need liquids, like lava castles or just filling up the big reactors.

catzs commented 9 years ago


Ecu commented 8 years ago

I'm opposed to mode-based items in Ender Storage. I had considered an Ender Bucket in the past, but don't really feel the way buckets work and the way dimensional storage works, really allows for a clean implementation.

SneakTrap commented 8 years ago

It would really be a good idea though.

Ecu commented 8 years ago

Not for Ender Storage. Ender Storage is meant to be a very simple mod. A bucket just wouldn't work in a simple enough way to fit the style of the mod at all.

jawsawn commented 8 years ago

@Ecu Why not? Just one item added. Works like how ender pouch works, by right clicking the source tank. Right clicking an empty place pours the liquid from the tank, right clicking the same liquid source takes it back into the tank.

Ecu commented 8 years ago

@JAWSAWN, I am opposed to the mode-based implementation suggested in the original post. If it always picked up liquid if you're looking at a liquid block and always deposited a liquid block if you're looking at empty space (well really the side of a non-liquid block), when right-clicking.

In that very simplistic form, I could support this. I worry that there could be unforeseen issue when trying to keep the same simplistic design and interacting with other machines/storage means. Which would bring me back to saying that it should not be implemented. I'm open to exploring that though.

P.S. - This repo is no longer actively maintained...may want to look into the new repo.

jawsawn commented 8 years ago

@Ecu ik i was shocked that somebody replied to this

Ecu commented 8 years ago

Well, as the originator of Ender Storage...I do try to keep up on what is going on with it.