Chicken-Bones / EnderStorage

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Featurerequest - Making an endertank "creative" #64

Open drz2k opened 8 years ago

drz2k commented 8 years ago


could you see this coming in ? A creative version of endertank that has unlimited amount of its liquid for server adminstrators/modpack creators?


Chicken-Bones commented 8 years ago

don't other mods have infinite tanks that you could just feed into the endertank?

drz2k commented 8 years ago

Yes of course theres quite some. But since I know that many serveradmins distribute it via an endertank it would cut a step and add to your mod :)

Why fill an endertank with something from an infinite tank when you can do it straight with the endertank? :D

Also there are some modpacks, that dont really have infinity tanks or mechanisms to fill them "administrativly" like horizons lava.

Im no developer but i think you could easily integrate this and make a good feature out of it :)

Ecu commented 8 years ago

I suppose I don't see any reason not to do this, but honestly...adding a block to do it specifically when a server administrator could just use one of the many mods that already offer this functionality...seems silly.

drz2k commented 8 years ago

Well sometimes you have modpacks that simply dont offer infinite sources. I know of servers that have to rely on staff refilling tanks or using some abstract and complex blood magic setups for refilling.

Horizons daybreaker is a good example for no infinite sources.

Another example : The modpack im currently working on will have some kind of infinite blood source, but it also will require a more complex setup involving technomancy.

Ofc you are right when theres a mod that offers an infinite tank you could simply hook up with some pipes to the endertank, but its not allways the case :)

Slind14 commented 8 years ago

:+1: not every pack has infinite tanks, e.g. Horizons Daybreaker. Furthermore, thermal expansion has the normal tank turning into a creative one bug since at least 1.6.4. Therefor you need to disable those completely.

Ecu commented 8 years ago

Again guys...this is a server thing. There are multiple ways this could be done without adding a new block (one of which is just a command block that re-fills the tank.

That all said, I don't really see a problem really with adding a creative block for it.

I'd like to also state that, to be fair, servers giving out infinite liquid in the first place kind of ruins the point of it all anyways. Tanks are meant to help you transport resources, not give everyone infinite resources.

Slind14 commented 8 years ago
I'd like to also state that, to be fair, servers giving out infinite liquid in the first place kind of ruins the point of it all anyways. Tanks are meant to help you transport resources, not give everyone infinite resources.

The way we do it is, that the ender tank with a private frequency for infinite lava requires an ender-pump (or similar) to be crafted. Once the player has the ender-pump he would have infinite lava anyway. But having the tank avoids the heavy light updates whenever a lava source block is pumped, hence reducing server strain.

Ecu commented 8 years ago

What about just having a config for infinite lava then? Once you fill a take full of lava, it'll never run out? That way a new block doesn't need to exist for no reason and still requires a small amount of initial investment.

Seem reasonable?

Slind14 commented 8 years ago This is how it looks like, the first one is a normal ender tank and the second one has a diamond lock. This way you can use the normal tank like always but also have access to infinite lava once you are able to craft the ender-pump. If the config option could be per tank. Like looking at the tank and /enderstorage infinite that would work. But globally would prevent the user for other things and if use-able with other liquids,well free liquid ores.. :)

Ecu commented 8 years ago

If you actually read what I said...I said a config for infinite lava not infinite everything. I'm aware of what servers use to create infinite lava systems already.

I don't approve of adding blocks needlessly to this mod. I honestly feel that if a server wants infinite lava, they should use another mod for it. However, if it is only so much as a config option that a full tank of lava becomes infinite, then that is fine. It also means there need not be a central tank as anyone capable of filling a tank with lava would be able to create an source of it.

Edit: Actually a better solution would be to have a config that lets you set a public frequency and liquid type. Said frequency on the public channel would contain infinite of said liquid.

Slind14 commented 8 years ago

ahh, I did understand you wrong. Its nothing pressuring for us. I just came across this and saw that we would probably use it. Atm, we nbt edit blocks depending on the pack (increasing the volume of tanks to 2 billion), those don't need to be refilled often. They are connected to the private ender tank with the expensive public recipe. If players need more than one, they need to craft an expensive ender quarry again.

Ecu commented 8 years ago

I think I'll stick with this as a final acceptable solution.

@Chicken-Bones, if this works for you...we should go ahead with something alone these lines...

"infinite_liquids": [
     { "frequency": [ "red", "red", "red" ], "liquid": "minecraft:lava" },
     { "frequency": [ "blue", "blue", "blue" ], "liquid": "minecraft:water" }
Slind14 commented 8 years ago

Some sort of separation from a normal colored ender tank would be good. Else it would be super cheap to get or the non infinite ender tank super expensive.

Ecu commented 8 years ago

Tough? If you're going to allow for infinite liquids of any type, its an all or nothing thing in my book.

Another suggestion was to allow for locking colors of Ender Chests/Tanks, which I approved of. Which means, if you needed to have infinite tanks that people have to specifically craft, lock the frequencies and make certain ones cost more.

Slind14 commented 8 years ago

If that works, it sounds possible and usable.

Ecu commented 8 years ago

It doesn't work yet, of course. But, it is how I would suggest handling things.