Chicken-Bones / ForgeMultipart

An API for dynamically handling different functional parts in the one block space.
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Replaced Blocks crash #369

Closed Speiger closed 8 years ago

Speiger commented 8 years ago

When you replace blocks FMP crashes instantly. It is not good to replace blocks i know that too, but it was the best solution and out of +130 mods is your mod the only one who crashes that. (Note: CoFH lib provide that feature to replace blocks). Please fix that so that replaced blocks do not crash the game. And note: its not the fault of the modder who replaces blocks, if you would do stuff how every mod there should be no crash at all


Chicken-Bones commented 8 years ago

If only it were that simple

Chicken-Bones commented 8 years ago

Might actually be a cofh issue

Speiger commented 8 years ago

No it is not chickenbones... You are making something weird while loading the data... Why are you using a Unlocalized name for loading your parts?

Speiger commented 8 years ago

Maybe it helps which block i am replacing. Its the glowstone block. and it even extends the Glowstone block so if you need something from it your thing should not even nodest it.

Speiger commented 8 years ago

but could you fix that so i do not need to worry about that part anymore? I would provide you with a dev version of that mod so you can test if you need that. (Note: unreleased mod)

Speiger commented 8 years ago

@Chicken-Bones do you take care about that?

Chicken-Bones commented 8 years ago

I use unlocalised name because it's a universal system for interfacing with all block content, obviously the replaced block is not being updated in the block name map

Speiger commented 8 years ago

yeah ok... i am trying something... I replace the block after the mods got loaded (postinit) so that should not interfear with your icons at all... Because i am using the same textures it also should have no effect at all^^" Just so you know you can read the CothLib override function but this one i am not using because it requires a ASM envioment which i do not want to have. Reflection is ok enough.

Speiger commented 8 years ago

Ok. Reason beeing that it crashes is partly my fault and partly yours. I forgot to register a replacement name to the real one. Yours is to doublecheck the classes... Anyway i close this now because i could reproduce the crash and could fix that. And that also should work with FMP too^^"

Speiger commented 8 years ago

Ok fixed...

Chicken-Bones commented 8 years ago


Speiger commented 8 years ago

@Chicken-Bones also it replaces automaticly all Glowstone covers with my ones. So there is no problem with adding that mod or removing it ^^