Chicken-Bones / ForgeMultipart

An API for dynamically handling different functional parts in the one block space.
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[1.7.10] Game Crash on World Creation/Load #376

Open RazzyJ opened 8 years ago

RazzyJ commented 8 years ago

Essentially, any time I go to generate a new world or load an old one, the game goes to the downloading world and building world screen with minimal issue (takes about ten minutes for each). Once these screens finish chugging away, it flashes to the main menu for a fraction of a second and then crashes. I only ever get this error with Forge Multipart installed. The second I remove it the game no longer crashes.

Unrelated: I still cant load an old world after uninstalling multipart, but creating a new one and copying all relevant files from the old map into the newly created one effectively allows me to load old worlds. Its shitty and if someone knows how to fix that as well it would be awesome, but its otherwise irrelevant to this thread

Pastebin for the multipart related error is here:

Thanks comrades~