Chicken-Bones / ForgeMultipart

An API for dynamically handling different functional parts in the one block space.
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Can't break torches in adventure mode #79

Open hohounk opened 10 years ago

hohounk commented 10 years ago

When playing in adventure mode when I place a torch alone in a block I can break it by hand. If I place another torch in same block I can't any more and need to use a pickaxe to do it. After breaking one with a pick leaving just one behind that too will only break when broken with a pick.

Using ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.2-

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hey, fix is easy, i think. Create own material, set it to be breakable with any item, then, when breaking, check item used by player, some kind of "def canBeBreakedBy(is: ItemStack, player: EntityPlayer): Boolean = true" in multipart class to be overwritten.

Chicken-Bones commented 10 years ago

That could work, nice idea

Chicken-Bones commented 10 years ago

I've looked into the minecraft code, and the only way to fix this is with a forge hook or coremod (I'll probably coremod the hook I want for now)

ghost commented 10 years ago

What exactly kind of line in vanilla code stopping you? I need to know =)