Describe the bug
I ran the shell script executable that should setup and/or run both the server and motion detection app but results in an infinite loop
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I'm not sure how you would reproduce the behavior
infinite error message
Invalid character. Exiting
./ line 15: break: only meaningful in a for',while', or `until' loop
Invalid character. Exiting
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Describe the bug I ran the shell script executable that should setup and/or run both the server and motion detection app but results in an infinite loop
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: I'm not sure how you would reproduce the behavior
infinite error message "... Invalid character. Exiting ./ line 15: break: only meaningful in a
while', or `until' loop Invalid character. Exiting ..." Desktop (please complete the following information):