5 points PBL Final Seed : 4/5
One task most days but one day I was off task in doing something besides computer science
20 Points - Meeting Tech Guidelines: 18/20
One minute video could be more clean and exciting. More professional, could have helped a little bit more with the code. and could have shown deployment
5 Points: Meeting new tech requirements: 4.5/5
We have met all tech requirements from our sponsor as the trimester has progressed, but we could have done them in a more timely fashion. I could have done a little bit more with helping with the front-end code. Worked heavily on deplyment and not that much on the website in terms of backend code. Deployment however is strong and working very well and has a lot of attributes
Self Grade: 31/35
5 points PBL Final Seed : 4/5 One task most days but one day I was off task in doing something besides computer science
20 Points - Meeting Tech Guidelines: 18/20 One minute video could be more clean and exciting. More professional, could have helped a little bit more with the code. and could have shown deployment
5 Points: Meeting new tech requirements: 4.5/5 We have met all tech requirements from our sponsor as the trimester has progressed, but we could have done them in a more timely fashion. I could have done a little bit more with helping with the front-end code. Worked heavily on deplyment and not that much on the website in terms of backend code. Deployment however is strong and working very well and has a lot of attributes
5 Points: Teacher Final Assessment: 4.5/5