Open amanj31 opened 2 years ago
Revamp site on Coding4Kidz. New resource for Teachers and Students. Easy to register is a key feature.
Working and scheduling lessons, login might not be as important. Navigation to youtube channel. Talked about as this is key feature. Database will record signups.
Wireframe, guiding to three main themes. Layout discussed and consistent theme.
Coding Tutorials, with embed of videos is online. Talked about admin feature and uploading content.
Deployment, spoke of updates. Thinking of hosting directly for short term.
Wireframe is done well, shows actual progress on ideas presented
Website actions properly documented with real use case examples
Authentication and admin/user system being explored, a group we can collaborate with on similar ideas.
Deployment plan is robust and real commands/tangibles shown with plan
Presentation on GitHub Pages: here
Google Slides: here
Scrum Team GitHub pages (3 points) Linked here
Working Deployed Link (VPN only) -> New repo used so not fully updated