ChiefOfGxBxL / Ice-Sickle

ARCHIVED: This project is archived because updates are now being made to the original World Editor (reforged), and because HiveWE is making amazing progress.
MIT License
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Aliasing #53

Open ChiefOfGxBxL opened 6 years ago

ChiefOfGxBxL commented 6 years ago

Create an alias.js file in the project directory that will serve to let users modify the way things are displayed in the editor. Anything that has a displayName should also be capable of handling an alias. For instance, a user may wish to alias the "Piercing" attack type to be "Bullets", "Siege" to "Explosive", etc. for maps.

The alias file should be editable from within the editor using a simple line-by-line input. Extensions should also be able to add, modify, or delete aliases.