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First level of questions (like personality questionnaire) - please take the test #36

Closed anirudh4792 closed 6 years ago

anirudh4792 commented 6 years ago

Our 25 first level questions - I have grouped the questions without answer scales/options for readability and the questions with the answer scales.

the questions have dimensions - intensity/ability (related to issue #35)

these are to identify areas of interest (strengths/weaknesses similar to the intentions of the E-SWAN)

Follow up questions (with dimensions - frequency, duration, context etc.) will be generated based on the responses

shnizzedy commented 6 years ago

1) How focused are you when you pay attention?

I am very easily distracted. I sometimes get distracted. I pay a typical amount of attention. I am incredibly focused when I pay attention. I cannot break my focus, or I am so focused that I miss important things.

I sometimes get distracted.

2) Do you have unusual levels/change in levels of energy while performing activities?

I am very easily tired/I have very low levels of energy and I cannot increase my energy levels. I can become active with difficulty/I get tired but I can overcome it. I am typically active/I have typical levels of energy. I am overly active/I have high levels of energy and I have difficulty controlling it. I am extremely active/I have very high levels of energy.

I am overly active/I have high levels of energy and I have difficulty controlling it.

3) How easily can you control your impulses?

I am very unreactive/I never give in to impulses. I am sometimes slow to react/give in to impulses. I am typically impulsive. I get very easily impulsive/give in to impulses easily I am extremely impulsive/I give in to impulses very easily

I get very easily impulsive/give in to impulses easily

4) How actively do you seek social situations or how fearful are you of scrutiny in social situations?

I always avoid avoid social situations <spending time on one's own engaging in solitary activity, speaking to oneself> I sometimes seek social situations but I am fearful of being exposed to scrutiny I typically seek social situations but I am usually reserved. I seek social situations and I actively participate in them <engagement in social games, engaging in cooperative play> I cannot stop seeking social situations and be active in them

I don't like how this one is combined. I neither seek nor avoid social situations (so neutral on the first half I guess, although the scale here seems like it goes [-4 (always avoid), 1 (sometimes seek), 2 (typically seek), 3 (seek), 4 (cannot stop seeking)] with room for [-3 (avoid), -2 (typically avoid), -1 (sometimes avoid), 0 (neither seek nor avoid)]. When in social situations, however, I am very active in them. If I had to choose one of the given choices, I'd choose "I seek social situations and I actively participate in them <engagement in social games, engaging in cooperative play>" which oversells the first half and undersells the second half.

6) How easily do changes in bodily state/bodily condition during moments of fear or discomfort arise?

Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are very easily triggered. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are sometimes triggered. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are typically triggered. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are triggered with difficulty. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are never triggered.

Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are typically triggered.

7) How much can you understand implicit non-verbal communicative behaviors (OCBs) with or without assistance?

I cannot understand OCBs even with assistance <cues, others explaining to me>. I can understand OCBs with difficulty and assistance. I can typically understand OCBs without assistance. I rely on understanding OCBs to understand other’s communication. I rely on and can only understand OCBs.

I can understand OCBs with difficulty and assistance.

8) How much can you use implicit non-verbal communicative behaviors (OCBs) with or without assistance?

I cannot use OCBs even with assistance <symbols, pictures>. I can use OCBs with difficulty and assistance <symbols, pictures>. I can typically use OCBs without assistance. I rely on using OCBs to communicate. I rely on and can only use OCBs.

I can typically use OCBs without assistance.

9) Do you have problems socially communicating with others?

I cannot communicate socially even with assistance. I can communicate socially with difficulty and assistance. I can typically communicate socially without assistance. (4th option removed due to redundancy) I never communicate socially despite understanding/knowing what to say

I can typically communicate socially without assistance.

I don't understand what the redundancy was here. I also don't understand how "I cannot communicate socially even with assistance" and "I never communicate socially despite understanding/knowing what to say" are at opposite ends of this scale.

10) Do you have problems behaving according to social norms

Do you have problems behaving according to social norms I cannot behave according to social norms even with training/assistance I do not understand behaviours related to social norms but I can perform them with training I can behave according to social norms with difficulty

I typically behave according to social norms I can behave according to social norms but I do not due to lack of interest/motivation

I do not understand behaviours related to social norms but I can perform them with training

11) How engaged/interested are you developing and maintaining relationships ?

I am very easily disinterested/totally not driven in developing and maintaining relationships . I sometimes get disinterested in developing and maintaining relationships. I am typically interested in developing and maintaining relationships. I am very interested in developing and maintaining relationships. I cannot stop trying to develop and maintain relationships

I am typically interested in developing and maintaining relationships.

12) How preoccupied/obsessed are you with your interests?

I am very easily disengaged from interests I sometimes get disengaged from interests I am typically engaged with interests I am easily engaged/preoccupied/obsessed with interests I cannot break my preoccupation/engagement/obsessions with interests or I am so preoccupied/obsessed with interests that I miss important things.

I am easily engaged/preoccupied/obsessed with interests

13) Are you sensitive to sensory stimuli? <sight, smell, hearing, touch>

I am insensitive(hyposensitive) to and I always seek sensory stimuli <tolerance for pain, bodily harm > I am not very sensitive(hyposensitive) to and I often seek sensory stimuli I am typically sensitive to sensory stimuli I am sensitive (hypersensitive) to sensory stimuli though I can tolerate it sometimes I am so sensitive(hypersensitive) to sensory stimuli that I completely avoid it

I am typically sensitive to sensory stimuli

For this one, I'm curious how different sensations play into answers. What if I poke my own eyes but am so sensitive to loud noises that I completely avoid them?

14) Do you have problems controlling or stopping repetitions of body movements and/or behavioral patterns?

I cannot control or stop repeating body movements and/or behavioral patterns. I can control or stop repeating body movements and/or behavioral patterns with difficulty. I can typically control/have no problems controlling or stop performing body movements and/or behavioral patterns voluntarily. I can repeat body movements and/or behavioral patterns when required with difficulty. I do not repeat body movements and/or behavioral patterns even when required

I can control or stop repeating body movements and/or behavioral patterns with difficulty.

15) Do you have problems with speech/communication?

I do not speak or communicate verbally I can communicate with difficulty or assisting tools <nonverbal communication,sign language, pictures, stuttering>. I can typically speak/communicate. I can speak or communicate with ease. I cannot stop talking or performing vocalizations.

I can speak or communicate with ease.

16) Do you have problems accepting/adapting change?

I cannot accept/adapt to change. I accept/adapt to change with difficulty. I typically react/adapt to changes. I accept/seek change with ease. I always seek change/keep changing things.

I always seek change/keep changing things.

17) Do you have problems experiencing moments of fear in anticipation of/thinking about something?

I cannot stop experiencing moments of fear. I can calm myself with difficulty. I am typically calm in anticipation of/thinking about something. I can be calm in anticipation of/thinking about something with ease. I have superhuman ability to be calm in any situation/Is not fearful of negative consequences

I am typically calm in anticipation of/thinking about something.

18) Does anticipating or experiencing separation from home or from major attachment figures result in difficulties or refusal to engage in certain activities?

I can only engage in activities well when away from home or family I can engage in activities with ease when away from home or family. I am typically worried or distressed. I am worried or distressed when away from home or family, and I can engage in activities with difficulty I cannot stop worrying or getting distressed, or I am so worried or distressed that I miss and cannot do important things.

I can only engage in some activities well when away from home or family.

None of these options seem neutral to me, though I suspect "I am typically worried or distressed" is supposed to be.

19) Does anxiety result in changes in bodily or mental state?

I am never anxious/Anxiety never affects my bodily or mental state I become anxious to an extent that it affects my bodily or mental state, but I can overcome it with ease Anxiety typically affects my bodily or mental state/I am typically anxious I become highly anxious to an extent that it affects my bodily or mental state, and I can overcome it only with difficulty I am extremely anxious/I cannot stop my anxiety even if it highly affects my bodily or mental state , or I am so anxious that it highly affects my bodily or mental state, and I cannot do anything else

I become highly anxious to an extent that it affects my bodily or mental state, and I can overcome it only with difficulty

This one seems like two separate things: feeling anxious and changing state when anxious. The way the options are phrased also makes this feel like I should answer if I'm anxious right now rather than if I experience anxiety or if my state changes when anxious.

20) How well can you control your mood/emotions or how intense are your manifestations of behaviors resulting from change in mood?

I always control my emotions even if provoked or my mood changes I sometimes have mild outbursts/express emotions mildly but quickly regain control I am inconsistent with regaining/controlling my emotions My outbursts are strong, and I can regain control over my emotions with a lot of difficulty after a lot of time My mood/emotional outbursts are so intense that I have no control

I am inconsistent with regaining/controlling my emotions

21) Levels of depression?

I never get depressed I sometimes get depressed, but I can overcome it and it does not result in mental/bodily changes I often get depressed and I can overcome my depressive state with difficulty, resulting in some mental/bodily changes I often get depressed and I cannot get out of my depressive state, resulting in significant mental/bodily changes or I am so depressed that I cannot do anything else

I sometimes get depressed, but I can overcome it and it does not result in mental/bodily changes

Again, this seems like two things and I have to choose the closest combination instead of answering each part independently (I sometimes (rarely) get depressed (between never & sometimes; why is there no rarely but two oftens?), and I can overcome my depressive state with difficulty, resulting in some mental/bodily changes).

22) How often are you conscious/aware of what you eat?

I am never conscious and engage in overeating or episodes of binge eating often. I am rarely conscious and engage in overeating or episodes of binge eating, but I restrict myself sometimes I am sometimes conscious/typically conscious. I am conscious most of the time, and skip meals but make exceptions sometimes on choice of food. I am always conscious, skip meals and never make exceptions on the choice of food

This one bothers me the most. I struggle to consume enough calories, so the parts of these options are opposite for me. Also, the contents of these options are all over the place. I am always conscious, almost never skip meals, rarely make exceptions on the choice of food, and eat large, balanced, time-spaced portions. If I had to choose one of these, I'd choose "I am conscious most of the time, and skip meals but make exceptions sometimes on choice of food." If I was taking the test for fun, I'd quit instead of answering this question.

23) How dependent are you on substances? <alcohol, tobacco, drugs, caffeine>

I never use substances. I sometimes use substances, though I am not dependent on them I am moderately addicted to substances, though it does not disrupt my regular/other activities I am highly addicted to substances, and it disrupts my regular activities to some extent I cannot break my addiction and it highly disrupts my regular activities, or I am so dependent on substances that I miss important things.

I never use substances. (which is an hilarious statement)

24) How tempted are you to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors ?

I am never tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors I sometimes get tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors though I can restrain myself I often get tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors and cannot restrain myself sometimes I am very easily tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors and restrain myself with difficulty I cannot be without engaging in problematic conduct related behaviors and cannot restrain myself

I am very easily tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors and restrain myself with difficulty

Overall, I think a lot of these questions combine more than one different thing into a single question, which is good if we want to be concise but bad if we want to be precise. Many of them reminded me of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle episode titles where they'd give two somewhat-rep titles to the same episode: image

For M3Q, I think we can just ask each question independently instead of trying to group them (eg, "Are you currently feeling anxious?" "How often do you feel anxious?" "When you feel anxious, do you experience changes in bodily or mental state?"); for an abbreviated HBN questionnaire, I don't know.

Also, we need to be careful about asking about cause and effect. Rather than asking if one thing results in or is due to another, we should ask if those things cooccur. If I experience depression due to changes in mental or bodily state, I'm not going to necessarily answer that I experience changes in mental or bodily state due to depression.

As a rule of thumb, I'd try to split anything with a conjunction into more than one option or question.

anirudh4792 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for this feedback which was very useful. I would act on the different points raised and come up with an improved version. Could I trouble you for one more thing?

I have updated questions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24 with examples/variations.

If the questionnaire instruction was something like - examples/variations of "behaviour/thoughts" are provided for certain questions to give a better sense of what the question represents. Select behaviours that are of particular interest OR add your own, OR just answer the question if none are particularly applicable. If you feel your answer to a certain example or variation is different from the main question, please double click and select the option - generate question.

Please try to answer these questions - I am curious to see if, with more specific information and examples, the questions are less ambiguous and you could answer more precisely (whether your answers would change)

@binarybottle Please do not take the questionnaire yet. Clearly, much work needs to be done and lots to think about from Jon's feedback.

anirudh4792 commented 6 years ago

Here is an example for @binarybottle

With the above questionnaire instruction, how would you answer the following question?

11) How engaged/interested are you developing and maintaining relationships ?

making friends catching the attention of others interested in others Playing with others reacting to the presence of others interacting with others getting help from others response to social approach of others interest in peers

I am very easily disinterested/totally not driven in developing and maintaining relationships . I sometimes get disinterested in developing and maintaining relationships. I am typically interested in developing and maintaining relationships. I am very interested in developing and maintaining relationships. I cannot stop trying to develop and maintain relationships

shnizzedy commented 6 years ago

6) How easily do changes in bodily state/bodily condition during moments of fear or discomfort arise? <Palpitations accelerated heart rate Sweating Trembling shaking Feelings of shortness of breath feelings of smothering Feelings of choking chest pain nausea abdominal dizziness feelings of dizziness chills heat sensations Paresthesias Derealization >

Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are very easily triggered. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are sometimes triggered. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are typically triggered. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are triggered with difficulty. Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are never triggered.

Fear: Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are very easily triggered.

Discomfort: Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are sometimes triggered.

"Changes in bodily state/bodily condition are triggered with difficulty" is weird to me. Am I supposed to try to change my bodily state/bodily condition during fear and/or discomfort?

7) How much can you understand implicit non-verbal communicative behaviors (OCBs) with or without assistance? nonverbal communicative behaviors (NCBs) <eye contact, body postures, gestures <pointing, waving, nodding, shaking head> facial expressions, nonverbal expressions> understanding emotions <disappointment, happiness, sadness, affect, notices distress in others> understanding nonliteral aspects of speech <understands irony, understands implied meaning, understands humor, sarcasm, metaphors> understanding social/contextual cues <social cues to indicate a change in behavior, notices when he or she is being teased, notices impact of behaviour on others emotionally, recognizing when wanted in other's company, being aware when made fun of >

I cannot understand OCBs even with assistance <cues, others explaining to me>. I can understand OCBs with difficulty and assistance. I can typically understand OCBs without assistance. I rely on understanding OCBs to understand other’s communication. I rely on and can only understand OCBs.

nonverbal communicative behaviors (NCBs), understanding emotions, understanding nonliteral aspects of speech: I rely on understanding OCBs to understand other’s communication.

understanding social/contextual cues: I can understand OCBs with difficulty and assistance.

There are at least 4 different topics here, with options asking about a combination of understanding, reliance, and need for assistance.

8) How much can you use implicit non-verbal communicative behaviors (OCBs) with or without assistance? nonverbal communicative behaviors (NCBs) <eye contact, body postures, gestures <pointing, waving, nodding, shaking head> facial expressions, nonverbal expressions; nonverbal cues; making eye contact normally, indirect eye gaze> sharing emotions <disappointment, happiness, sadness, distress> nonliteral aspects of speech <uses irony, uses implied meaning, uses humor, sarcasm, metaphors> using social/contextual cues

I cannot use OCBs even with assistance <symbols, pictures>. I can use OCBs with difficulty and assistance <symbols, pictures>. I can typically use OCBs without assistance. I rely on using OCBs to communicate. I rely on and can only use OCBs.

nonverbal communicative behaviors, nonliteral aspects of speech: I rely on using OCBs to communicate.

sharing emotions, using social/contextual cues: I can use OCBs with difficulty and assistance <symbols, pictures>.

Again, this question seems like four questions mashed into one. If I had to answer it, I'd give the middle answer because I'm low for two and high for two, so they cancel out.

9) Do you have problems socially communicating with others? <back and forth conversation social approach sharing of interests sharing of emotions sharing of affect social imitation imitation skills, social imitation skills social initiations getting help from others pragmatic use of language <clarifies if not understood, provides background information>, social use of language response to name, response when spoken to initiating conversation sharing of interests pointing out objects of interests to others joint attention responsive social smile sharing emotions with others <sharing enjoyment, sharing excitement, sharing happiness> response to praise enjoys social interaction offering comfort to others response to physical contact, response to affection initiating conversation socio-emotional reciprocity makes eye contact when talking>

I cannot communicate socially even with assistance. I can communicate socially with difficulty and assistance. I can typically communicate socially without assistance. (4th option removed due to redundancy) I never communicate socially despite understanding/knowing what to say

I communicate excessively, with and without assistance, so I guess I choose "(4th option removed due to redundancy)"?

I like these examples but the scale for responses seems like 3 of one thing, 1 of another, and lots of space uncovered.

10) Do you have problems behaving according to social norms <adjusting behavior to suit social contexts having proper etiquette, behaving in accordance to social conventions <aware of social conventions, asks socially appropriate questions, makes socially appropriate statements>

Do you have problems behaving according to social norms I cannot behave according to social norms even with training/assistance I do not understand behaviours related to social norms but I can perform them with training I can behave according to social norms with difficulty I typically behave according to social norms I can behave according to social norms but I do not due to lack of interest/motivation

I do not understand behaviours related to social norms but I can perform them with training

11) How engaged/interested are you developing and maintaining relationships ? <relationships <developing and maintaining relationships, appropriate to developmental level> making friends catching the attention of others interested in others Playing with others reacting to the presence of others interacting with others getting help from others response to social approach of others interest in peers>

I am very easily disinterested/totally not driven in developing and maintaining relationships . I sometimes get disinterested in developing and maintaining relationships. I am typically interested in developing and maintaining relationships. I am very interested in developing and maintaining relationships. I cannot stop trying to develop and maintain relationships

I am typically interested in developing and maintaining relationships.

engaged in × interested in × developing × maintaining

I saw in #42 that @binarybottle suggested splitting this question into making new friends and maintaining friendships. I think this split makes sense, and I also prefer the scale of asking about friendship rather than the broader relationships which could include romantic, familial and professional relationships for which the answers could well be different.

12) How preoccupied/obsessed are you with your interests? <specific focus on things being perfectionistic focussing on object parts (Preoccupation with object parts) attachment to objects Preoccupations <color, time tables, historical events, numbers, letters, symbols> (preoccupation with topics) interested in movement of things <spinning wheels of toys, the opening and closing of doors, electric fans, rapidly revolving objects> focussing on sensory input>

I am very easily disengaged from interests I sometimes get disengaged from interests I am typically engaged with interests I am easily engaged/preoccupied/obsessed with interests I cannot break my preoccupation/engagement/obsessions with interests or I am so preoccupied/obsessed with interests that I miss important things.

I am easily engaged/preoccupied/obsessed with interests

13) Are you sensitive to sensory stimuli? <sight, smell, hearing, touch> <reaction to sensory stimuli interest in sensory aspects of the environment reaction to touch <tactile defensiveness, reaction on coming in contact with certain objects, reaction on coming in contact with certain textures> visual exploration, visual activity, sense of sight sense of hearing sensory exploration with objects (sound, smell, taste, vestibular) maintains body hygiene <bathing, brushing teeth, cutting nails, cutting hair> focussing on sensory input>

I am insensitive(hyposensitive) to and I always seek sensory stimuli <tolerance for pain, bodily harm > I am not very sensitive(hyposensitive) to and I often seek sensory stimuli I am typically sensitive to sensory stimuli I am sensitive (hypersensitive) to sensory stimuli though I can tolerate it sometimes I am so sensitive(hypersensitive) to sensory stimuli that I completely avoid it

sight, smell: I am sensitive (hypersensitive) to sensory stimuli though I can tolerate it sometimes

hearing: I have no idea how to answer this. Let me give a detailed explanation of my auditory sensitivity and see if you can help me choose a response.

Here's my most recent audiogram showing my level of human-speech-range auditory sensitivity in decibels: img_0796 10 is typical; above 25 (ie, down on the inverted axis chart) is considered impaired. You can see I'm fairly typical at the low end, borderline impaired in the middle, and hypersensitive at the high end. I love music and ambient sounds. I often have trouble hearing people speak normally and supplement with lip-reading. I avoid speaking on the phone as much as possible because the inability to supplement my hearing is so frustrating. I experience physical pain throughout my entire body, particularly my teeth, when I hear the high-pitched sound of metal scraping (eg, sharpening knives).

touch: I guess "I am not very sensitive(hyposensitive) to and I often seek sensory stimuli" I have a high pain tolerance and an appreciation for tactile stimulation, but I think my experience is more of a pleasure-in-pain than an insensitivity; ie, the feeling can be intense but not negative.

All that said, I'd answer "I am typically sensitive to sensory stimuli" if I had to choose a single answer here.

14) Do you have problems controlling or stopping repetitions of body movements and/or behavioral patterns? <performs hand movements <clapping, flapping> performs whole body movements <foot to foot rocking, dipping, swaying; spinning> walks with correct posture body related behaviours performed when unnecessary <body tensing, facial grimacing, teeth grinding, puts hands over ears when not in response to sound, picking, squinting of eyes> interested in movement of things <spinning wheels of toys, the opening and closing of doors, electric fans, rapidly revolving objects> motor tics <eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, extension of extremities, simultaneous head turning, copropraxia, echopraxia> Recurrent pulling out of one's hair, resulting in hair loss. Repetitive skin picking>

Repetitive Behaviors <repeats patterns of behaviors, repeats gestures>

Repetitive verbal/nonverbal behavior <performs vocalizations <humming, squealing, sounds with intonations, guttural sounds> vocal tics <throat clearing often caused by contraction of the diaphragm or muscles of the oropharynx, sniffing often caused by contraction of the diaphragm or muscles of the oropharynx, grunting often caused by contraction of the diaphragm or muscles of the oropharynx, palilalia, echolalia, coprolalia Echolalia <repetition of words, repetition of phrases, repetition of songs, repetition of dialogues>

Ritualistic Behavior <patterns in verbal behavior/, patterns in nonverbal behavior asks questions about a particular topic seeks responses in a specific way, says things in a specific way compulsions engages in ritualistic behavior <licking objects, sniffing objects >>

I cannot control or stop repeating body movements and/or behavioral patterns. I can control or stop repeating body movements and/or behavioral patterns with difficulty. I can typically control/have no problems controlling or stop performing body movements and/or behavioral patterns voluntarily. I can repeat body movements and/or behavioral patterns when required with difficulty. I do not repeat body movements and/or behavioral patterns even when required

I can control or stop repeating body movements and/or behavioral patterns with difficulty.

15) Do you have problems with speech/communication? <Uses jargons, <Speaks memorized sentences <Use of "rote" language> speaks pedantically, speaks informally/formally when not expected to do so uses un-understandable words uses pronouns appropriately refers to self in first person uses pronouns appropriately repeats words>

I do not speak or communicate verbally I can communicate with difficulty or assisting tools <nonverbal communication,sign language, pictures, stuttering>. I can typically speak/communicate. I can speak or communicate with ease. I cannot stop talking or performing vocalizations.

I can speak or communicate with ease.

Those examples are strange to me. Are "uses pronouns appropriately" and "repeats words" the same kind of thing, and is that thing what is being asked about?

16) Do you have problems accepting/adapting change? <changing routines handling transitions handling changes <moving items at the dinner table, driving an alternate route> Rigid thinking>

I cannot accept/adapt to change. I accept/adapt to change with difficulty. I typically react/adapt to changes. I accept/seek change with ease. I always seek change/keep changing things.

I always seek change/keep changing things.

17) Do you have problems experiencing moments of fear in anticipation of/thinking about something? <anticipating danger or difficulties to self or others having unusual fears having thoughts about death Panic being in control during moments of fear being comfortable revisiting places where a bad experience occurred>

I cannot stop experiencing moments of fear. I can calm myself with difficulty. I am typically calm in anticipation of/thinking about something. I can be calm in anticipation of/thinking about something with ease. I have superhuman ability to be calm in any situation/Is not fearful of negative consequences

I am typically calm in anticipation of/thinking about something.

I anticipate an extraordinary, maybe even problematically excessive amount, but almost always without fear. I tend to only experience fear when confronted with immediate danger.

18) Does anticipating or experiencing separation from home or from major attachment figures result in difficulties or refusal to engage in certain activities? <nightmares with a theme of separation distress when separation from home or family happens or is anticipated worry about the safety of a family member <illness, injury, disasters, or death> worry about getting lost from family worry about safety of self when separated worry about experiencing an untoward event (e.g., getting lost, being kidnapped, having an accident when separated)>

I can only engage in activities well when away from home or family I can engage in activities with ease when away from home or family. I am typically worried or distressed. I am worried or distressed when away from home or family, and I can engage in activities with difficulty I cannot stop worrying or getting distressed, or I am so worried or distressed that I miss and cannot do important things.

I can only engage in [some] activities well when away from home or family

My previous concerns about this response scale remain, and I don't think these examples match these responses.

20) How well can you control your mood/emotions or how intense are your manifestations of behaviors resulting from change in mood? Behaviors manifesting from change in mood <arguing, yelling, taking anger out on objects, throwing things at people, handling anger, handling frustration, temper tantrums temper outbursts manifested verbally temper outbursts manifested behaviorally >

I always control my emotions even if provoked or my mood changes I sometimes have mild outbursts/express emotions mildly but quickly regain control I am inconsistent with regaining/controlling my emotions My outbursts are strong, and I can regain control over my emotions with a lot of difficulty after a lot of time My mood/emotional outbursts are so intense that I have no control

My outbursts are strong [but infrequent], and I can regain control over my emotions with a lot of difficulty after a lot of time

This question is asking for a single, aggregate answer to all of these questions:

If we have a 5-point scale for each of these, there are 58=390,625 possible responses, reduced here to 5, or 1/78,125 of the potential variety of responses. I know the intent is to reduce the number of questions and to ask follow-ups (or not) based on responses, but that's a big information loss and noise source without a lot of gain (only 7 fewer questions). Let's come up with some guidelines regarding where and how to combine (in this example, I think combining mood and emotions is reasonable, but I don't know that I'd combine effectiveness of control, ease of control, recovery speed, or intensity of related behaviors in any way. 4 might be the minimum number of initial questions if we care about all of these dimensions.

21) Levels of depression? Emotional/Mental States resulting from depression <Feelings of worthlessness Feelings of excessive or inappropriate guilt diminished ability to think or concentrate Indecisiveness Diminished interest or pleasure in activities Irritable mood appears tearful feelings of sadness, emptiness, hopelessness Recurrent thoughts of death recurrent suicidal ideation with out a specific plan>

Changes in Bodily states/Bodily conditions/habits <abnormal weight loss decrease in appetite Insomnia psychomotor agitation or retardation Fatigue Low on energy>

I never get depressed I sometimes get depressed, but I can overcome it and it does not result in mental/bodily changes I often get depressed and I can overcome my depressive state with difficulty, resulting in some mental/bodily changes I often get depressed and I cannot get out of my depressive state, resulting in significant mental/bodily changes or I am so depressed that I cannot do anything else

These examples don't change the fact that my experience matches the first half of one response, the second half of another, and no one given response is an honest representation of my experience.

24) How tempted are you to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors ? <violating basic rights of others breaking rules breaking age appropriate societal norms <runs away from home, truant from school> Physical harm to people <aggression to people, uses weapons that cause physical harm , bullies, threatens, or intimidates others, initiates physical fights, forces others into sexual activity,

Aggression/cruelty to animals Destruction of Property Deceitfulness <express feelings or show emotions to others, except in ways that seem shallow, insincere, or superficial, Does not express feelings or show emotions to others, except when emotional expressions are used for gain> Theft <Has broken into someone else's house, building, or car, stealing items of nontrivial value without confronting a victim> Limited prosocial emotions Lack of remorse or guilt Callous—lack of empathy Shallow or deficient affect Often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligations poor/problematic performance

I am never tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors I sometimes get tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors though I can restrain myself I often get tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors and cannot restrain myself sometimes I am very easily tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors and restrain myself with difficulty I cannot be without engaging in problematic conduct related behaviors and cannot restrain myself


For general rules and social norms: I am very easily tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors and restrain myself with difficulty For most of the rest: I sometimes get tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors though I can restrain myself

The first two are way more intense (for me) temptations than the others, but there are way more than two examples, so I guess I choose the answer that's in-between ("I often get tempted to engage in problematic conduct related behaviors and cannot restrain myself sometimes")?

Overall, these examples reinforce my concern that these questions and responses try to cover too much ground at a time. In Guess Who?, you can ask complex questions like "Is your person a man with white hair and glasses?" which is hyperinformative if your opponent has Paul or Sam but nearly useless otherwise.

Guess Who? board

In fact, the question "Is your person Paul or Sam?" will always have the same answer as the previous question. For all 22 other possibilities, "Is your person a man?", "Does your person have white hair?" and "Does your person have glasses?" are each more information-rich questions than their complex conjunctions. One could calculate combinatorially how much more quickly, on average, one can identify his/her target by starting with the simplest questions than by starting with complex conjunction questions.

I think what we're trying to do here is analogous, so if we only care about identifying Paul or Sam as quickly as possible, these questions are the way to go. If we want to efficiently identify anyone, we're better off with simple, differential questions. We don't need to care about all the particulars, just the ones that will reduce our need for future questions as equally as possible.

The biggest problem with the analogy I just laid out is that in Guess Who? you know all of the relevant features at the start. With M3Q we can learn which features are predictive as we go (and potentially strange, complex conjunction questions, like "Is your person bald and/or orange-haired and/or female?"), but for a reduced questionnaire, we likely won't have that luxury. From a usability standpoint, splitting that last example into "Is your person bald?", "Is your person orange-haired?" and "Is your person female?" is easier for a user to comprehend and respond to. Also since we're interested in more than a single identification, the combinatorics are more complicated, so calculating the overlapping information content in a complex question is more difficult.

I had a hard time choosing an option anytime more than one of our dimensions is represented in the response options. "Understanding of", "use of", "reliance on", "need for assistance", "seeking behavior", "desiring", "acting on" are all interesting dimensions, we have to draw lines and make decisions about what to keep and what to cull. Reducing the question space by combining questions will give us fewer questions but noisier, less informative data. We practically can't ask every dimension for every question and ask fewer questions and acquire reasonable questions and responses. We could do any pair of those. These questions are on track to ask every dimension for every question and ask fewer questions which would render reasonable questions and responses nigh impossible. For the reduced questionnaire, let's ask fewer questions and acquire reasonable questions and responses. For M3Q, maybe we could ask every dimension for every question and acquire reasonable questions and responses.

What do you guys think about a way for a questionnaire answerer to indicate that a question describes a behavior or experience that for him/her is troublesome? What if my behavior is typical but I want my behavior to be atypical?

binarybottle commented 6 years ago

@shnizzedy -- With regard to your final question, that is a nice distinction between what we should answer vs. what we wish we could honestly answer. I have never taken a questionnaire that asked me for my past/future/ideal self's answers!

shnizzedy commented 6 years ago

That's a nice implication I hadn't thought of! I was thinking that many (all?) of these behaviors can be atypical without being problematic and conversely can be typical and problematic, especially in the aggregate.

I really like the idea of asking aspirational counter-questions, ie, pairs of ("What is the case?", "What would you like to be the case?") which can indicate points of conflict without raising loaded terms like "problem" or "trouble".

binarybottle commented 6 years ago

So many possibilities:

anirudh4792 commented 6 years ago

I had initially thought to include situations like the Blade runner empathy test

On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 4:36 PM, Arno Klein wrote:

So many possibilities:

  • "Would you prefer..."
  • "Are you satisfied/happy/content/pleased with..."
  • "If given the choice..."
  • "If I could control myself like a puppet..."

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binarybottle commented 6 years ago

This issue has spawned other issues that if still relevant should be moved to their own issues. Two that stand out for me from this discussion are "Join questions of different dimensions?" and "Ask about past/future/ideal self?" If you think these are resolved, close; otherwise, spawn.