As a user or admin, I want to select a case so that I can respond to items based on the caseID.
At an activity level, allow a user/ admin to select a caseID if he or she is assigned to a caseID from the admin panel
Only show caseIDs that are associated with the applet owner's account based on the applet the admin/user is viewing
Allow the user/admin to keyword search
If a caseID has a picture, then show it. If it does not, then show a blank state.
Once a caseID is selected, update the header text
Admin/ user can select one case at a time and deselect that case.
Admin/ user will select back button to start responding to activities about a case
If admin/ user moves to applet list page after completing an activity or flow, then the caseID is deselected
If admin/ user navigates away in the middle of completing an activity or flow, then show an error message (found in design) and if admin/ user confirms then submit incomplete response data collected for that caseID and deselect that case
Create a New Case
Allow a manager or coordinator to create a new case from the mobile device
Require the manager/ coordinator to enter a unique to the owner's account caseID
Show error message if nothing is entered or a caseID that is already being used
This caseID is already in use. Please try again.
Allow manager/ coordinator to add an image
Prompt Case on Start
Allow an admin/ user to turn on/ off "Prompt case on start" which when turned on the admin/ user will be prompted to select a case every time an activity is selected
As a user or admin, I want to select a case so that I can respond to items based on the caseID.
Create a New Case
Prompt Case on Start