ChildrenOfUr / cou-issues

CoU Issues
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Two different levels #1356

Closed cou-issue-bot closed 8 years ago

cou-issue-bot commented 8 years ago


I'm simultaneously level 8 and level 13 -- just got level-up notification for 13, but when I click the cloud it shows level 8. Probably related to the other out-of-synch stats -- when I do things like tree-petting, the changes to mood/energy/currants happen to a different set of numbers which show up for a moment before it goes back to showing the ones that appear in my profile.

User Agent

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36


[Server Communication] Map data loaded. 0:00:02
[AuthManager] Setting API tokens 0:00:04
[AuthManager] Logged in 0:00:05
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR117DK18O11FF"... 0:00:05
[StreetService] "GCR117DK18O11FF" loaded. 0:00:06
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:00:06
[SoundManager] Registered services 0:00:06
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:00:09
[UI] Sorry, this browser does not support the gamepad API 0:00:09
Game loaded! 0:00:09
[Weather] WeatherState.RAINING: WeatherIntensity.NORMAL 0:00:11
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate5879 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:00:39
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate5879 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:00:44
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate5879 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:00:53
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate5879 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:00:57
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate5879 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:01:11
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate5879 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:01:17
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate5879 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:01:30
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate5876 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:01:40
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate5876 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: musicblock_xs_3, num: 1} 0:02:05
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate5876 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: musicblock_dr_3, num: 1} 0:02:14
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate5876 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:02:16
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR113VN08O1116"... 0:02:32
[StreetService] "GCR113VN08O1116" loaded. 0:02:32
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:02:32
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:02:35
[Weather] WeatherState.RAINING: WeatherIntensity.NORMAL 0:02:36
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2774 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:02:50
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate2774 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:02:55
[Weather] WeatherState.RAINING: WeatherIntensity.LIGHT 0:04:07
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2774 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:27
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate2774 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:31
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2774 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:40
[Server Communication] Sending meditate to entity: focusing_orb (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: 4, count: 1, streetName: Greenvern Mend, tsid: GCR113VN08O1116, itemdata: {}} 0:05:33
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B544952299 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:05:56
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P274128761 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:06:12
[Server Communication] Sending nibble to entity: P274128761 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:06:18
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P274128761 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:06:29
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: C69155285 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:06:44
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: C69155285 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:06:54
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B166177937 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:07:21
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B166177937 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:07:39
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B166177937 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:07:46
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B166177937 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:00
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B166177937 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:09
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate2768 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:19
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate2768 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:23
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2770 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:08:42
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2770 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:09:07
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate2770 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:09:12
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P749152670 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:09:47
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P749152670 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:09:52
[Server Communication] Sending nibble to entity: P749152670 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:09:59
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: C69155285 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:10:18
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2771 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:10:28
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate2771 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:10:33
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2771 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:10:42
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate2771 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:10:52
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2771 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:10:58
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate2771 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:11:09
[Server Communication] Sending cook to entity: awesome_pot (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Greenvern Mend, tsid: GCR113VN08O1116, itemdata: {}} 0:11:17
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: 2, count: 1, streetName: Greenvern Mend, tsid: GCR113VN08O1116, itemdata: {}} 0:11:25
[Server Communication] Sending meditate to entity: focusing_orb (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: 4, count: 1, streetName: Greenvern Mend, tsid: GCR113VN08O1116, itemdata: {}} 0:12:08
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P749152670 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:12:29
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI32N0F1UD114O"... 0:14:18
[StreetService] "GLI32N0F1UD114O" loaded. 0:14:19
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:14:19
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:14:22
[Weather] WeatherState.RAINING: WeatherIntensity.LIGHT 0:14:22
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ib1012812792 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:14:34
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21328 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:14:57
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21328 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:15:04
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: in630085112 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:15:14
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: note (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: 7, count: 1, streetName: Archimedes Acres, tsid: GLI32N0F1UD114O, itemdata: {note_id: 331, title: Party in Greenvern Mend!}} 0:15:24
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ip213341605 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:15:48
[Server Communication] Sending commune with to entity: migrate21334 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:15:56
[Server Communication] Sending donate to entity: migrate21334 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: note, qty: 1} 0:16:09
[Server Communication] Sending donate to entity: migrate21334 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: musicblock_dg2, qty: 1} 0:16:34
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate21334 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:16:45
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:16:56
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:01
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:05
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:09
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:13
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:19
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:24
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:29
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21327 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:17:35
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate21329 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:17:49
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate21329 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: butterfly_lotion, num: 2} 0:18:04
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate21329 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: musicblock_dg2, num: 1} 0:18:36
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate21329 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:18:42
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:18:57
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:19:02
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:19:08
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:19:17
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:19:26
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:19:34
[Server Communication] Sending simmer to entity: saucepan (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: 3, count: 1, streetName: Archimedes Acres, tsid: GLI32N0F1UD114O, itemdata: {}} 0:19:43
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: meat (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Archimedes Acres, tsid: GLI32N0F1UD114O, itemdata: {}} 0:19:54
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: meat (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Archimedes Acres, tsid: GLI32N0F1UD114O, itemdata: {}} 0:19:57
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR10B6U5NJ1VMA"... 0:20:17
[StreetService] "GCR10B6U5NJ1VMA" loaded. 0:20:18
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:20:18
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:20:21
[Weather] WeatherState.RAINING: WeatherIntensity.LIGHT 0:20:22
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate3575 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:25:49
Klikini commented 8 years ago