ChildrenOfUr / cou-issues

CoU Issues
12 stars 3 forks source link

Unmineable rock #1623

Closed cou-issue-bot closed 8 years ago

cou-issue-bot commented 8 years ago

Theremina Lute

The sparkly rock to the left of the 'Arjun Plunge' sign in Dobak Fathom can be mined but nothing happens when you do (no message, no stuff, no nothing).

User Agent

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36


[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Map data loaded. 0:00:02
[AuthManager] Setting API tokens 0:00:03
[AuthManager] Logged in 0:00:03
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5146P2JC42B1Q"... 0:00:03
[StreetService] "GA5146P2JC42B1Q" loaded. 0:00:04
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:00:04
[SoundManager] Registered services 0:00:04
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:00:11
[UI] Sorry, this browser does not support the gamepad API 0:00:11
Game loaded! 0:00:11
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate16700 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:00:37
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate16700 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:00:42
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5CTEP5UH42CQC"... 0:00:48
[StreetService] "GA5CTEP5UH42CQC" loaded. 0:00:49
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:00:49
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:00:52
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending visit a street to entity: migrate1330 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:01:25
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "LNVIH6NU3M13MJJ"... 0:01:25
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending visit a street to entity: migrate1330 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:01:56
[StreetService] Requesting street "LIFG0VETDF43E95"... 0:01:56
[StreetService] "LIFG0VETDF43E95" loaded. 0:01:58
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:01:58
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:02:10
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ic194882257 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:02:33
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFP24DTLI43SM4"... 0:02:41
[StreetService] "GIFP24DTLI43SM4" loaded. 0:02:42
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:02:42
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:02:48
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ic913093527 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:02:59
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: coffee (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Laccaria Quadrata, tsid: GIFP24DTLI43SM4, itemdata: {}} 0:03:03
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 2, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Laccaria Quadrata, tsid: GIFP24DTLI43SM4, itemdata: {}} 0:03:06
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ib208668557 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:03:28
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFNGN0F5I438EQ"... 0:03:43
[StreetService] "GIFNGN0F5I438EQ" loaded. 0:03:44
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:03:44
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:03:50
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF77JBCJF43LC2"... 0:04:24
[StreetService] "GIF77JBCJF43LC2" loaded. 0:04:25
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:04:25
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:04:31
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFP24DTLI43SM4"... 0:04:59
[StreetService] "GIFP24DTLI43SM4" loaded. 0:05:00
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:05:00
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:05:02
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFHNVD4SG33SKK"... 0:05:14
[StreetService] "GIFHNVD4SG33SKK" loaded. 0:05:15
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:05:15
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:05:20
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFTQPDA7H335UQ"... 0:05:42
[StreetService] "GIFTQPDA7H335UQ" loaded. 0:05:43
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:05:43
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:05:47
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFL56303J33S8H"... 0:06:33
[StreetService] "GIFL56303J33S8H" loaded. 0:06:34
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:06:34
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:06:39
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF94J49PJ332NQ"... 0:06:58
[StreetService] "GIF94J49PJ332NQ" loaded. 0:06:58
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:06:58
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:07:03
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF33FDK0K3371H"... 0:07:16
[StreetService] "GIF33FDK0K3371H" loaded. 0:07:17
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:07:17
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:07:23
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFEL8CPH08259V"... 0:07:34
[StreetService] "GIFEL8CPH08259V" loaded. 0:07:34
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:07:34
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:07:39
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate7787 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:03
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate7787 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: paper, num: 9} 0:08:13
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate7787 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:17
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFIECSPJ082A49"... 0:08:21
[StreetService] "GIFIECSPJ082A49" loaded. 0:08:22
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:08:22
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:08:25
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF18TO5NB72AMR"... 0:09:21
[StreetService] "GIF18TO5NB72AMR" loaded. 0:09:21
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:09:21
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:09:25
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F872810068 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:09:53
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIFR3G1FFE72K0S"... 0:09:59
[StreetService] "GIFR3G1FFE72K0S" loaded. 0:10:00
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:10:00
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:10:03
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate8322 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:10:27
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF1CI1RSB72BCA"... 0:10:36
[StreetService] "GIF1CI1RSB72BCA" loaded. 0:10:37
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:10:37
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:10:40
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF19MQDQB725HT"... 0:11:12
[StreetService] "GIF19MQDQB725HT" loaded. 0:11:13
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:11:13
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:11:17
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHVDGF0JMQ7299V"... 0:11:41
[StreetService] "GHVDGF0JMQ7299V" loaded. 0:11:41
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:11:41
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:11:45
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR1H8R9J62257C"... 0:12:10
[StreetService] "GCR1H8R9J62257C" loaded. 0:12:10
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:12:10
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:12:15
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR13974F4220EH"... 0:12:37
[StreetService] "GCR13974F4220EH" loaded. 0:12:38
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:12:38
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:12:42
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: fed974F4220EH6095854 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:12:56
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate7709 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:13:06
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate7709 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: grain, num: 2} 0:13:13
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 0, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 3} 0:13:17
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate7709 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:13:20
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHV1E645M21278O"... 0:13:36
[StreetService] "GHV1E645M21278O" loaded. 0:13:37
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:13:37
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:13:41
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHV1F2U5M212P9C"... 0:14:15
[StreetService] "GHV1F2U5M212P9C" loaded. 0:14:16
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:14:16
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:14:21
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHVQU18N3O021A5"... 0:14:52
[StreetService] "GHVQU18N3O021A5" loaded. 0:14:53
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:14:53
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:14:58
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVUKCOSE793PHI"... 0:15:05
[StreetService] "GUVUKCOSE793PHI" loaded. 0:15:06
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:15:06
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:15:11
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVTLIP0SIJ2DQG"... 0:15:38
[StreetService] "GUVTLIP0SIJ2DQG" loaded. 0:15:39
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:15:39
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:15:43
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV8H510J7K2DQS"... 0:16:10
[StreetService] "GUV8H510J7K2DQS" loaded. 0:16:10
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:16:10
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:16:15
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVC8S7H3AK2JPD"... 0:16:37
[StreetService] "GUVC8S7H3AK2JPD" loaded. 0:16:38
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:16:38
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:16:42
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVNNQQ9AOJ253J"... 0:17:11
[StreetService] "GUVNNQQ9AOJ253J" loaded. 0:17:12
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:17:12
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:17:17
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ic793397995 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:17:29
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ic892113708 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:17:34
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: in878646277 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:17:45
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: note (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Venkate Kate, tsid: GUVNNQQ9AOJ253J, itemdata: {note_id: 341, title: Crabapalooza 2016}} 0:17:49
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: note (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Venkate Kate, tsid: GUVNNQQ9AOJ253J, itemdata: {note_id: 341, title: Crabapalooza 2016}} 0:17:58
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV174V0QUB3JT4"... 0:18:02
[StreetService] "GUV174V0QUB3JT4" loaded. 0:18:03
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:18:03
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:18:09
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV2SSTOU8A30RS"... 0:18:52
[StreetService] "GUV2SSTOU8A30RS" loaded. 0:18:52
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:18:52
Could not load layer image bg 1 blue 0:19:00
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:19:00
[Server Communication] Sending global pickup with arguments: {pickupIds: [is453090982, is597515894, is262357236, is456515754, is164520458, is278346890, is533247947, is855978991, is26845277, is408198293, is239254692, is2285723, is922876709, is761550412, is337671389, is441338778, is736958093]} 0:20:04
[Server Communication] Sending global pickup with arguments: {pickupIds: [is367920045, is692302383, is173745001, is395177606, is143901721, is404552206, is504104852, is877878174, is848750524, is634921135]} 0:20:20
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: in905781151 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:20:26
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: note (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Indri Slope, tsid: GUV2SSTOU8A30RS, itemdata: {note_id: 485, title: Waterproof Paper}} 0:20:29
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: note (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Indri Slope, tsid: GUV2SSTOU8A30RS, itemdata: {note_id: 485, title: Waterproof Paper}} 0:20:36
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV270LMU8A3UCB"... 0:20:48
[StreetService] "GUV270LMU8A3UCB" loaded. 0:20:49
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:20:49
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:20:55
[Server Communication] Sending pocket to entity: migrate885 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:21:15
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: in1073474528 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:21:33
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: note (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Daksina Tom, tsid: GUV270LMU8A3UCB, itemdata: {note_id: 84, title: A note!}} 0:21:35
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: note (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Daksina Tom, tsid: GUV270LMU8A3UCB, itemdata: {note_id: 84, title: A note!}} 0:21:40
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV2SSTOU8A30RS"... 0:23:14
[StreetService] "GUV2SSTOU8A30RS" loaded. 0:23:15
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:23:15
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:23:18
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV174V0QUB3JT4"... 0:23:45
[StreetService] "GUV174V0QUB3JT4" loaded. 0:23:46
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:23:46
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:23:48
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate981 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:24:07
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate981 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: salmon_bubble, num: 27} 0:24:19
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate981 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:24:42
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: pocket_salmon (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Ambu Jal, tsid: GUV174V0QUB3JT4, itemdata: {}} 0:24:44
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVNNQQ9AOJ253J"... 0:24:56
[StreetService] "GUVNNQQ9AOJ253J" loaded. 0:24:57
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:24:57
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:24:59
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVGS4ELCPK2EJI"... 0:25:22
[StreetService] "GUVGS4ELCPK2EJI" loaded. 0:25:23
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:25:23
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:25:27
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV681KDSQL2PST"... 0:25:49
[StreetService] "GUV681KDSQL2PST" loaded. 0:25:50
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:25:50
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:25:55
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVIOOG33CL26FM"... 0:26:07
[StreetService] "GUVIOOG33CL26FM" loaded. 0:26:08
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:26:08
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:26:12
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVIAI9LFBL2TRO"... 0:26:37
[StreetService] "GUVIAI9LFBL2TRO" loaded. 0:26:38
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:26:38
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:26:42
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate12912 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:26:53
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate12912 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:27:10
[MapWindow] Missing hub null 0:27:45
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'h' of undefined
[MapWindow] Missing hub null 0:27:45
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'h' of undefined
[MapWindow] Missing hub null 0:27:45
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'h' of undefined
[MapWindow] Missing hub null 0:27:45
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'h' of undefined
[MapWindow] Missing hub null 0:27:45
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'h' of undefined
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate12913 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:31:43
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate12913 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:31:49
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate12917 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:31:56
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate12917 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:32:02
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVQD7K50HL25GG"... 0:32:07
[StreetService] "GUVQD7K50HL25GG" loaded. 0:32:08
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:32:08
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:32:13
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate19866 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:32:24
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5PPFP86NF2FOS"... 0:32:28
[StreetService] "GA5PPFP86NF2FOS" loaded. 0:32:28
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:32:28
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:32:32
[StreetService] Requesting street "LA5PV4T79OE2AOA"... 0:32:46
[StreetService] "LA5PV4T79OE2AOA" loaded. 0:32:47
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:32:47
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:32:51
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5566 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:32:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5567 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5568 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5569 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:07
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5569 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate5570 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate5571 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5563 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5562 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:32
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5REO5I9OE2KLS"... 0:33:34
[StreetService] "GA5REO5I9OE2KLS" loaded. 0:33:35
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:33:35
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:33:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate19871 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:33:53
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5Q57C99OE2GNU"... 0:34:07
[StreetService] "GA5Q57C99OE2GNU" loaded. 0:34:07
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:34:07
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:34:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17446 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:34:16
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17444 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:34:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17443 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:34:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:34:30
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA524M0OMOE2OGT"... 0:34:58
[StreetService] "GA524M0OMOE2OGT" loaded. 0:34:58
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:34:58
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:35:01
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate636 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:35:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate637 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:35:10
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5S44RM9OE2416"... 0:35:38
[StreetService] "GA5S44RM9OE2416" loaded. 0:35:39
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:35:39
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:35:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9889 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:35:52
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9893 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:35:56
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9894 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:35:58
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9895 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:00
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9896 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:02
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9897 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9898 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:04
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate9899 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:06
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5RPAFK9OE28GN"... 0:36:21
[StreetService] "GA5RPAFK9OE28GN" loaded. 0:36:22
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:36:22
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:36:27
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: H157349354 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:40
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: H1011404664 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: H863304644 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: H292068488 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:54
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: H863304644 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:36:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: H882415154 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:37:11
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: H130797611 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:37:22
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: H759568960 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:37:25
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVQD7K50HL25GG"... 0:37:28
[StreetService] "GUVQD7K50HL25GG" loaded. 0:37:29
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:37:29
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:37:31
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Afra Maf, tsid: GUVQD7K50HL25GG, itemdata: {}} 0:37:45
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 6, streetName: Afra Maf, tsid: GUVQD7K50HL25GG, itemdata: {}} 0:37:54
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 10, streetName: Afra Maf, tsid: GUVQD7K50HL25GG, itemdata: {}} 0:38:07
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 4, streetName: Afra Maf, tsid: GUVQD7K50HL25GG, itemdata: {}} 0:38:14
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 2, streetName: Afra Maf, tsid: GUVQD7K50HL25GG, itemdata: {}} 0:38:19
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUV1RMOG91L2F6G"... 0:39:23
[StreetService] "GUV1RMOG91L2F6G" loaded. 0:39:24
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:39:24
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:39:31
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate10526 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:39:49
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate10526 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:39:56
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate10526 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:40:02
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate10526 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:40:07
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVQ7T6QICK2S0Q"... 0:40:19
[StreetService] "GUVQ7T6QICK2S0Q" loaded. 0:40:20
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:40:20
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:40:27
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13108 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:40:35
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13108 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:40:41
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13108 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:40:51
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13108 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:40:57
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13116 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:41:07
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13117 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:41:20
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13107 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:41:28
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13117 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:41:38
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:41:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:41:54
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:03
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13106 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:42:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:12
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13106 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:42:17
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 6} 0:42:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:41
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:48
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:42:50
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13116 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:42:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:43:09
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVTLIP0SIJ2DQG"... 0:43:21
[StreetService] "GUVTLIP0SIJ2DQG" loaded. 0:43:22
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:43:22
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:43:24
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:43:34
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate15988 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:43:37
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate15988 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: allspice, num: 2} 0:43:47
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate15988 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: musicblock_db_5, num: 1} 0:43:53
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate15988 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:44:00
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:44:08
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15999 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:44:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:44:15
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15999 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:44:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:44:49
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15999 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:44:54
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:44:55
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15999 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:00
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:02
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15999 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:05
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:12
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15994 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:19
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15994 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:23
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:24
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15994 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:28
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:33
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15995 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:38
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15995 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:43
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:45:44
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15995 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:45:48
[StreetService] Requesting street "GUVUKCOSE793PHI"... 0:46:00
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:46:00
[StreetService] "GUVUKCOSE793PHI" loaded. 0:46:01
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:46:01
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:46:03
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:46:35
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate3199 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:46:37
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate3199 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: pick, num: 1} 0:46:42
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate3199 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:48:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:48:12
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3200 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:48:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:48:21
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3200 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:48:28
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:48:32
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3200 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:48:39
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Via Firozi, tsid: GUVUKCOSE793PHI, itemdata: {}} 0:48:55
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:49:00
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3200 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:49:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:49:08
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3200 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:49:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:49:19
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate3198 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:49:24
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:49:25
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate3198 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:49:29
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHVQU18N3O021A5"... 0:49:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:49:31
[StreetService] "GHVQU18N3O021A5" loaded. 0:49:32
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:49:32
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:49:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:49:51
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate8035 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:49:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:49:58
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate8035 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:50:04
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 2, streetName: Ekorran Roughs, tsid: GHVQU18N3O021A5, itemdata: {}} 0:50:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:50:23
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:50:26
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: musicblock_dg_1, num: 1} 0:50:38
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 5} 0:50:49
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: plain_bubble, num: 4} 0:51:01
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 2, toIndex: 3} 0:51:06
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_dullite, num: 2} 0:51:14
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: knife_and_board, num: 1} 0:51:27
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: frying_pan, num: 1} 0:51:51
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 5, toIndex: 8} 0:51:58
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, toIndex: 5, toBagIndex: 9} 0:52:05
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 3, toIndex: 5, toBagIndex: 4} 0:52:08
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 5, toBagIndex: 5} 0:52:10
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 6, toIndex: 5, toBagIndex: 8} 0:52:18
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, toIndex: 5, toBagIndex: 7} 0:52:20
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 5, toIndex: 8} 0:52:24
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 4, toIndex: 1} 0:52:27
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate8060 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:52:28
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI17VIKLJ02BSV"... 0:52:36
[StreetService] "GLI17VIKLJ02BSV" loaded. 0:52:37
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:52:37
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:52:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:53:16
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:53:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:53:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:53:23
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate10987 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:53:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:53:33
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate10987 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:53:39
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 4, count: 1, streetName: Anrasan Glance, tsid: GLI17VIKLJ02BSV, itemdata: {}} 0:53:47
[Server Communication] Sending fry to entity: frying_pan (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 9, count: 1, streetName: Anrasan Glance, tsid: GLI17VIKLJ02BSV, itemdata: {}} 0:54:04
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:54:13
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate10987 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:54:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:54:20
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate10987 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:54:26
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: -1, count: 2, streetName: Anrasan Glance, tsid: GLI17VIKLJ02BSV, itemdata: {}} 0:54:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:54:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:54:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:54:43
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate10987 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:54:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:55:36
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:55:41
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: showy_sapphire, num: 1} 0:55:49
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: modestly_sized_ruby, num: 1} 0:55:53
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_dullite, num: 5} 0:56:02
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: walloping_big_diamond, num: 1} 0:56:09
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:56:26
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 4, count: 1, streetName: Anrasan Glance, tsid: GLI17VIKLJ02BSV, itemdata: {}} 0:56:40
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR105E77812AEF"... 0:57:08
[StreetService] "GCR105E77812AEF" loaded. 0:57:09
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:57:09
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:57:16
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI17VIKLJ02BSV"... 0:57:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:57:19
[StreetService] "GLI17VIKLJ02BSV" loaded. 0:57:19
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:57:19
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:57:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:57:27
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:57:37
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate10968 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:57:50
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR105E77812AEF"... 0:57:52
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:57:52
[StreetService] "GCR105E77812AEF" loaded. 0:57:52
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:57:52
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:57:54
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:58:39
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:58:49
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate14249 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:58:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:58:56
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate14247 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:59:02
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:59:06
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate14247 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:59:11
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: spinach (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Semsan Simile, tsid: GCR105E77812AEF, itemdata: {}} 0:59:15
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:59:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:59:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:59:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate14247 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:59:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:59:31
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate14247 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:59:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 0:59:40
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: spinach (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Semsan Simile, tsid: GCR105E77812AEF, itemdata: {}} 1:00:00
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:00:02
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:00:03
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:00:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:00:12
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate14245 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:00:14
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate14245 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: butterfly_lotion, num: 2} 1:00:26
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate14245 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:00:42
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate14245 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:00:45
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate14245 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_sparkly, num: 4} 1:00:53
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate14245 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 1} 1:00:59
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate14245 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:01:04
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P"... 1:01:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:08
[StreetService] "GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P" loaded. 1:01:10
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:01:10
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:01:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:23
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate17036 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:01:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:35
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17036 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:01:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:52
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:01:55
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P163185809 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:02:00
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:12
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5PPFP86NF2FOS"... 1:02:18
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P163185809 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:02:18
[StreetService] "GA5PPFP86NF2FOS" loaded. 1:02:19
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:02:19
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:02:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate6275 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:02:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate6276 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:02:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:39
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate6277 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:02:39
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:50
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate6274 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:02:52
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate6273 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:02:57
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:02:59
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate6272 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:00
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:02
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate6278 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:03
[StreetService] Requesting street "LA5PV4T79OE2AOA"... 1:03:22
[StreetService] "LA5PV4T79OE2AOA" loaded. 1:03:23
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:03:23
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:03:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5564 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:29
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5565 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:46
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5571 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5570 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:51
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5569 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5568 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5567 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:55
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:03:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5566 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:03:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5563 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:05
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:07
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5562 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:10
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:13
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:18
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:23
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:26
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:26
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:27
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:28
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:29
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:29
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:30
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:32
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:34
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:34
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:39
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:42
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:45
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:46
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:46
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:48
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:49
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:50
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:52
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:53
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:55
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:56
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:57
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:04:59
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:04:59
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:00
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:01
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:01
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:02
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:03
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:04
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:06
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:06
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:07
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:09
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:11
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:12
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:13
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:13
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:15
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:16
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:16
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:16
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:18
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:18
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:20
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:22
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:22
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:23
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:23
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:29
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:30
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:32
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:36
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:38
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:38
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:39
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:40
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:41
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:42
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:43
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:45
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:45
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:46
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:46
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:48
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:49
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:51
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:52
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:53
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:55
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:56
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:57
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:05:59
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:05:59
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:00
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:01
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:09
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:10
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:11
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:12
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:13
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:13
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:13
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:15
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:15
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:16
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:16
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:16
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:18
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:18
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:18
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:18
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:20
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:22
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:22
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:22
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:23
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:26
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:26
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:26
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:27
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:28
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:29
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:30
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:32
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:32
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:34
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:36
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:38
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:38
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:38
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:39
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:39
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:39
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:40
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:41
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:41
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:42
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:42
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:43
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:45
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:45
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:45
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:46
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:46
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:46
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:51
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:52
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:52
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:53
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:53
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:54
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:54
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:55
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:55
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:55
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:56
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:57
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:58
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:06:59
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:06:59
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:00
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:00
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:00
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:02
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:03
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:04
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:05
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:06
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:06
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:06
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:07
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:07
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:09
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:10
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:11
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:12
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:12
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:13
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:13
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:15
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:15
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:16
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:20
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: butterfly_lotion (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Mahatam Audarika, tsid: GA5PV4T79OE2AOA, itemdata: {}} 1:07:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:23
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ib860278249 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 1:07:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:32
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:34
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:36
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:38
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:45
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:45
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:46
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:48
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:49
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:50
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate5572 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:07:57
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate5563 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:07:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:08:01
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate5565 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:08:02
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:08:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate5564 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:08:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:08:08
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P"... 1:08:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate5566 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:08:09
[StreetService] "GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P" loaded. 1:08:10
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:08:10
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:08:12
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 10, streetName: Yeoman's Bluff, tsid: GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P, itemdata: {}} 1:08:33
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 14, streetName: Yeoman's Bluff, tsid: GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P, itemdata: {}} 1:08:44
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Yeoman's Bluff, tsid: GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P, itemdata: {}} 1:08:49
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:08:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:08:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:09:00
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:09:06
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:09:08
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:09:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:09:15
[Metabolics] Websocket closed:  1:09:20
[Multiplayer (Street)] Socket closed 1:09:20
[Weather] Socket closed:  1:09:20
[Quest] Websocket closed:  1:09:20
[Multiplayer (Player)] Socket closed 1:09:20
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:09:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:09:22
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:09:25
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:09:39
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:09:43
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:09:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:09:56
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:10:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:10:14
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 5, streetName: Yeoman's Bluff, tsid: GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P, itemdata: {}} 1:10:27
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17034 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:10:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:10:44
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17036 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:10:49
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:10:52
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17036 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:10:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:10:59
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17036 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:11:03
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:11:05
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate17036 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:11:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:11:21
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17049 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:11:26
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:11:28
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate17049 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:11:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:11:42
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:11:48
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_sparkly, num: 7} 1:11:53
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: walloping_big_diamond, num: 1} 1:11:59
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: showy_sapphire, num: 1} 1:12:04
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: plain_bubble, num: 2} 1:12:11
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 0, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 3} 1:12:18
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 9, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 6} 1:12:24
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:12:35
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17039 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:12:45
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:12:49
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17042 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:12:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:12:56
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate17042 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:13:01
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:13:08
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:13:10
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: musicblock_dr_1, num: 1} 1:13:16
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:13:18
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:13:27
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17046 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:13:34
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17046 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:13:46
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17046 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:13:53
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:13:54
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17046 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:14:00
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:14:01
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate17046 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:14:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:14:13
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17044 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:14:18
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:14:20
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17044 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:14:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:14:31
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:14:33
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 8} 1:14:38
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: modestly_sized_ruby, num: 2} 1:14:43
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate17043 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:14:47
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 10, streetName: Yeoman's Bluff, tsid: GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P, itemdata: {}} 1:14:59
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 11, streetName: Yeoman's Bluff, tsid: GCR10H9E3QJ1E2P, itemdata: {}} 1:15:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:15:27
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17042 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:15:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:15:37
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17045 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:15:41
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR3MQK9NPJ191K"... 1:15:57
[StreetService] "GCR3MQK9NPJ191K" loaded. 1:15:58
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:15:58
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:16:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:16:09
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: B467663186 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:16:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:16:43
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:16:46
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: tinkertool, num: 1} 1:17:03
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: shovel, num: 1} 1:17:20
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 9} 1:17:31
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 6, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 0} 1:17:34
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 2} 1:17:39
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bigger_bag, num: 1} 1:18:06
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 7} 1:18:09
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 5, toIndex: 7} 1:18:12
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 5, toIndex: 7} 1:18:15
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 5, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 0} 1:18:18
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chrome_toolbox, num: 1} 1:18:39
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 6} 1:18:42
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 4, toIndex: 6, toBagIndex: 0} 1:18:49
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 0, toIndex: 6, toBagIndex: 1} 1:18:52
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 5, toIndex: 6, toBagIndex: 2} 1:18:54
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 9, toIndex: 6, toBagIndex: 3} 1:18:57
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 9, toIndex: 6, toBagIndex: 3} 1:19:02
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 6, toIndex: 6, toBagIndex: 4} 1:19:05
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:19:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:19:22
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:19:23
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_sparkly, num: 1} 1:19:33
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:19:34
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:19:37
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D261917912 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:19:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:19:46
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D261917912 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:19:52
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:19:53
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D261917912 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:19:59
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:20:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D261917912 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:20:09
[Server Communication] Sending tinker to entity: tinkertool (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 1, count: 1, streetName: Alpine Vista, tsid: GCR3MQK9NPJ191K, itemdata: {}} 1:20:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:20:31
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D261917912 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:20:38
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:20:55
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: B748940706 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:21:01
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:21:18
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:21:20
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: luminous_moonstone, num: 1} 1:21:25
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_dullite, num: 10} 1:21:30
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: S1055314853 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:21:33
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR12SD8J4K1PCV"... 1:21:47
[StreetService] "GCR12SD8J4K1PCV" loaded. 1:21:48
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:21:48
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:21:53
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:22:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:22:11
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate5333 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:22:15
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate5333 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:22:28
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:22:55
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate5341 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:23:02
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:23:05
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate5341 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:23:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:23:13
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate5341 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:23:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:23:19
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate5341 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:23:25
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 3, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 1} 1:23:33
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 2} 1:23:37
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate5341 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:23:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:24:09
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate5336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:24:13
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:24:15
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate5336 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:24:19
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR14K7RQBK119B"... 1:24:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:24:30
[StreetService] "GCR14K7RQBK119B" loaded. 1:24:30
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:24:30
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:24:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:24:39
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate12203 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:24:41
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate12203 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: showy_sapphire, num: 3} 1:24:51
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate12203 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: modestly_sized_ruby, num: 1} 1:24:59
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate12203 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: fancy_pick, num: 1} 1:25:07
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate12203 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 10} 1:25:17
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate12203 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:25:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:25:35
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate12202 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:25:40
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:25:41
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:25:43
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate12202 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:25:48
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:25:49
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate12202 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:25:54
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:25:55
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate12202 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:25:59
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI33CQJ3UD1G5J"... 1:26:03
[StreetService] "GLI33CQJ3UD1G5J" loaded. 1:26:04
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:26:04
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:26:09
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:26:15
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate16446 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:26:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:26:22
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate16446 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:26:26
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:26:29
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate16446 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:26:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:26:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:26:38
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate16441 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:26:43
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate16441 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: beer, num: 12} 1:26:52
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate16441 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bun, num: 3} 1:26:59
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate16441 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:27:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:27:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:27:33
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate16421 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:27:39
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: beer (Null) with arguments: {slot: 2, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Elysian Slope, tsid: GLI33CQJ3UD1G5J, itemdata: {}} 1:27:44
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: beer (Null) with arguments: {slot: 2, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Elysian Slope, tsid: GLI33CQJ3UD1G5J, itemdata: {}} 1:27:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:28:11
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate16421 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:28:16
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:28:19
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate16425 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:28:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:28:25
[Server Communication] Sending nibble to entity: migrate16425 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:28:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:28:32
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate16440 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:28:37
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 5, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 9} 1:28:44
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 0, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 1} 1:28:46
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 1, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 0} 1:28:50
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 3, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 1} 1:28:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:28:58
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate16440 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:29:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:29:11
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate16447 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:29:18
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:29:19
[Server Communication] Sending nibble to entity: migrate16447 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:29:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:29:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:29:31
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI32G3NUTD100I"... 1:29:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:29:33
[StreetService] "GLI32G3NUTD100I" loaded. 1:29:34
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:29:34
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:29:39
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:29:54
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B482334272 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:29:58
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:01
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B482334272 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:10
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:11
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B482334272 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:19
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B773721208 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:26
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B773721208 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:31
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B482334272 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:43
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate17728 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:45
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate17728 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:30:52
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: migrate17728 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:30:54
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 8, fromBagIndex: 9, toIndex: 8, toBagIndex: 3} 1:31:08
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate17728 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:31:12
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Gregarious Grange, tsid: GLI32G3NUTD100I, itemdata: {}} 1:31:22
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate17728 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:31:42
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate17728 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bun, num: 5} 1:31:50
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate17728 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:31:56
[Server Communication] Sending fry to entity: frying_pan (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 4, count: 1, streetName: Gregarious Grange, tsid: GLI32G3NUTD100I, itemdata: {}} 1:32:00
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:32:15
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17732 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:32:20
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:32:21
[Server Communication] Sending nibble to entity: migrate17732 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:32:26
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:32:30
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B773721208 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:32:34
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:32:38
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B773721208 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:32:42
[Server Communication] Sending shake bottle to entity: butterfly_milk (Null) with arguments: {slot: 5, subSlot: -1, count: 2, streetName: Gregarious Grange, tsid: GLI32G3NUTD100I, itemdata: {}} 1:33:02
[Server Communication] Sending compress to entity: butterfly_butter (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: 3, count: 2, streetName: Gregarious Grange, tsid: GLI32G3NUTD100I, itemdata: {}} 1:33:13
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Gregarious Grange, tsid: GLI32G3NUTD100I, itemdata: {durabilityUsed: 1}} 1:33:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:33:30
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ik447549320 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 1:33:31
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Gregarious Grange, tsid: GLI32G3NUTD100I, itemdata: {durabilityUsed: 1}} 1:33:34
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 5, streetName: Gregarious Grange, tsid: GLI32G3NUTD100I, itemdata: {}} 1:35:02
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:35:06
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: fedG3NUTD100I1593799293 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:35:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:35:20
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate17731 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:35:24
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR14062REM1QIR"... 1:35:27
[StreetService] "GCR14062REM1QIR" loaded. 1:35:28
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:35:28
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:35:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:35:40
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate10302 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:35:44
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Eglesgown Wanks, tsid: GCR14062REM1QIR, itemdata: {durabilityUsed: 2}} 1:35:54
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate10302 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: cucumber, num: 1} 1:36:18
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate10302 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: tomato, num: 3} 1:36:32
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate10302 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:36:34
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Eglesgown Wanks, tsid: GCR14062REM1QIR, itemdata: {durabilityUsed: 2}} 1:36:43
[Server Communication] Sending fry to entity: frying_pan (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 4, count: 1, streetName: Eglesgown Wanks, tsid: GCR14062REM1QIR, itemdata: {}} 1:37:03
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:37:21
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: C611979102 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:37:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:37:28
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: C611979102 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:37:32
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR10U5VHMK112O"... 1:38:10
[StreetService] "GCR10U5VHMK112O" loaded. 1:38:11
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:38:11
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:38:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:38:21
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate8474 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:38:26
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:38:27
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate8474 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:38:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:38:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:38:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:38:47
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate8472 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:38:48
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate8472 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: watering_can, num: 1} 1:38:57
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate8472 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: hatchet, num: 1} 1:39:04
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate8472 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bean_seasoner, num: 1} 1:39:15
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate8472 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:39:27
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:40:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:40:34
[Server Communication] Sending commune with to entity: migrate8473 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:40:37
[Server Communication] Sending donate to entity: migrate8473 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: cucumber, qty: 1} 1:40:51
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate8473 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:40:55
[StreetService] Requesting street "GCR10K3BPJK1U6F"... 1:41:02
[StreetService] "GCR10K3BPJK1U6F" loaded. 1:41:03
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:41:03
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:41:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:41:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:41:30
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13759 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:41:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:41:36
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13759 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:41:40
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:41:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:41:44
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13759 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:41:48
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:41:49
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13759 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:41:54
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:41:58
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13759 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:42:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:42:05
[Server Communication] Sending dig to entity: migrate13758 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:42:10
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:42:12
[Server Communication] Sending dig to entity: migrate13758 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:42:17
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 10, streetName: Otterlane, tsid: GCR10K3BPJK1U6F, itemdata: {}} 1:42:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:42:27
[Server Communication] Sending dig to entity: migrate13758 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:42:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:42:32
[Server Communication] Sending dig to entity: migrate13758 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:42:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:42:40
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate13764 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:42:41
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13764 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: earth, num: 4} 1:43:04
[Server Communication] Sending taste to entity: butterfly_lotion (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: 1, count: 1, streetName: Otterlane, tsid: GCR10K3BPJK1U6F, itemdata: {}} 1:43:18
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate13764 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: scraper, num: 1} 1:43:35
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13764 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bunch_of_grapes, num: 34} 1:44:00
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate13764 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:44:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:44:14
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13760 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:44:18
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:44:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:44:22
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13760 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:44:26
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:44:27
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13760 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:44:32
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:44:32
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13760 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:44:36
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: butterfly_milk (Null) with arguments: {slot: 5, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Otterlane, tsid: GCR10K3BPJK1U6F, itemdata: {}} 1:44:39
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: cheezy_sammich (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: 4, count: 1, streetName: Otterlane, tsid: GCR10K3BPJK1U6F, itemdata: {}} 1:44:49
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: sammich (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: 2, count: 1, streetName: Otterlane, tsid: GCR10K3BPJK1U6F, itemdata: {}} 1:44:58
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:45:09
[Server Communication] Sending feed to entity: P1024630979 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:45:15
[Server Communication] Sending feedItem to entity: P1024630979 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: tomato, count: 1, slot: 7, subSlot: 7} 1:45:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:45:23
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ip226621101 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 1:45:30
[Server Communication] Sending examine plop to entity: piggy_plop (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Otterlane, tsid: GCR10K3BPJK1U6F, itemdata: {seedType: tomato}} 1:45:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:45:48
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13760 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:45:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:45:54
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13760 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:45:59
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:00
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13761 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:05
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13761 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:10
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:11
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13761 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:15
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:16
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13761 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:20
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:20
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13761 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:24
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:30
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13763 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:39
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13763 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:45
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13763 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:49
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:49
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13763 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:46:54
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13763 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:46:59
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:47:02
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate13746 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:47:07
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:47:07
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13746 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:47:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:47:13
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate13746 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:47:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:47:17
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate13746 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:47:21
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLIFIG7BP8G1MU9"... 1:47:55
[StreetService] "GLIFIG7BP8G1MU9" loaded. 1:47:56
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:47:56
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:48:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:48:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:48:13
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:48:17
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:48:20
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:48:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:48:27
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:48:32
[StreetService] Requesting street "GM413RQ6LRG9N"... 1:48:35
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:48:35
[StreetService] "GM413RQ6LRG9N" loaded. 1:48:35
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:48:35
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:48:39
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate11074 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:48:55
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:00
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:02
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:08
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:09
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:11
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:12
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gV' of null
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:20
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate11073 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:49:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:49:26
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate11073 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:49:31
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 10, streetName: West Spice, tsid: GM413RQ6LRG9N, itemdata: {}} 1:49:45
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 15, streetName: West Spice, tsid: GM413RQ6LRG9N, itemdata: {}} 1:49:51
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate11073 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:50:02
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:50:04
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate11073 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:50:09
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:50:11
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate11073 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:50:16
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:50:16
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate11073 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:50:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:50:22
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate11073 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:50:26
[Server Communication] Sending global teleport with arguments: {tsid: LM4109NI2R640} 1:51:25
[StreetService] Requesting street "LM4109NI2R640"... 1:51:25
[StreetService] "LM4109NI2R640" loaded. 1:51:26
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:51:26
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:51:30
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:51:38
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: S597521286 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:51:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:51:45
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: S597521286 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:51:50
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:51:55
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: S597521286 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:51:59
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:52:01
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: S597521286 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:52:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:52:07
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: S597521286 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:52:11
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:52:13
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: S597521286 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:52:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:52:20
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: S597521286 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:52:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:52:40
[Server Communication] Sending enter to entity: S436708794 (Door) with arguments: {} 1:52:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:52:42
[StreetService] Requesting street "LM4118MEHFDMM"... 1:52:42
[StreetService] "LM4118MEHFDMM" loaded. 1:52:43
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:52:43
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:52:47
[Weather] Could not create street gradient: Invalid argument: null 1:52:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:52:54
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate12910 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:52:56
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate12910 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: tomato_seed, num: 1} 1:53:15
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate12910 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:53:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:53:56
[Server Communication] Sending massage to entity: B868648374 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:54:02
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:54:03
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B868648374 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:54:08
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:54:11
[Server Communication] Sending milk to entity: B868648374 (NPC) with arguments: {} 1:54:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:54:22
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:54:23
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:54:29
[Server Communication] Sending exit to entity: migrate12909 (Door) with arguments: {} 1:54:31
[StreetService] Requesting street "LM4109NI2R640"... 1:54:31
[StreetService] "LM4109NI2R640" loaded. 1:54:31
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:54:31
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:54:34
[StreetService] Requesting street "GM416LNIKVLM1"... 1:54:51
[StreetService] "GM416LNIKVLM1" loaded. 1:54:52
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:54:52
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:54:56
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:02
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:10
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:10
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:14
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:15
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:21
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:22
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:26
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:27
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:31
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:32
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:37
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:37
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:43
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:43
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:47
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:48
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:52
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:53
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:55:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:55:58
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:56:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:56:04
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:56:05
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15435 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:56:13
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:56:21
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15432 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:56:25
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:56:39
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15433 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:56:45
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:56:46
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15433 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:56:50
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:56:53
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15434 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:56:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:01
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15434 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:57:05
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:06
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15434 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:57:12
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:13
[StreetService] Requesting street "GM4115NJ46G8M"... 1:57:27
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:27
[StreetService] "GM4115NJ46G8M" loaded. 1:57:28
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 1:57:28
[StreetService] Street assembled. 1:57:32
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:37
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: S1064694137 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:57:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:46
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: S1064694137 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:57:51
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:52
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: S1064694137 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:57:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:57:58
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: S1064694137 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:03
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:08
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: B701085602 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:13
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:15
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: B701085602 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:19
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:23
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: B701085602 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:29
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: B701085602 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:34
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:37
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: B26047927 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:42
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:43
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: B26047927 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:48
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:49
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: B26047927 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:58:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:58:56
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: G146493016 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:59:01
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:59:03
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: G146493016 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:59:07
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 6, streetName: Groddle Ladder, tsid: GM4115NJ46G8M, itemdata: {}} 1:59:19
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 4, streetName: Groddle Ladder, tsid: GM4115NJ46G8M, itemdata: {}} 1:59:26
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 2, streetName: Groddle Ladder, tsid: GM4115NJ46G8M, itemdata: {}} 1:59:33
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:59:39
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: G146493016 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:59:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:59:48
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: G146493016 (Plant) with arguments: {} 1:59:53
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 1:59:57
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: G146493016 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:00:01
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:00:02
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: G146493016 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:00:07
[StreetService] Requesting street "LLI2VDR4JRD1AEG"... 2:00:37
[StreetService] "LLI2VDR4JRD1AEG" loaded. 2:00:38
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:00:38
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:00:46
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:00:50
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:00:53
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:00:55
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:00:59
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:01:03
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:01:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:01:08
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate20414 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:01:10
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:01:11
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate20414 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: gassifier, num: 1} 2:01:17
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: migrate20414 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bubble_tuner, num: 1} 2:01:21
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate20414 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:01:26
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:01:29
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:01:33
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate20415 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:01:38
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate20415 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:01:44
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI23FELDHD1O3C"... 2:02:37
[StreetService] "GLI23FELDHD1O3C" loaded. 2:02:38
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:02:38
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:02:45
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:02:52
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:02:56
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: fedFELDHD1O3C54657928794 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:03:05
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate15834 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:03:24
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: migrate15834 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:03:30
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:03:36
[Server Communication] Sending commune with to entity: migrate15841 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:03:38
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:03:39
[Server Communication] Sending donate to entity: migrate15841 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: general_vapour, qty: 2} 2:03:47
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate15841 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:03:50
[Server Communication] Sending convert gas to entity: gassifier (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 10, count: 1, streetName: Middle Valley Clearing, tsid: GLI23FELDHD1O3C, itemdata: {}} 2:04:05
[Server Communication] Sending convert gas to entity: gassifier (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 10, count: 1, streetName: Middle Valley Clearing, tsid: GLI23FELDHD1O3C, itemdata: {}} 2:04:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:04:35
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:04:38
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate15833 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:04:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:04:42
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:04:46
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate15833 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:04:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:04:51
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:04:55
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:04:56
[Server Communication] Sending tune bubbles to entity: bubble_tuner (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 11, count: 1, streetName: Middle Valley Clearing, tsid: GLI23FELDHD1O3C, itemdata: {}} 2:05:20
[Server Communication] Sending season to entity: bean_seasoner (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 8, count: 1, streetName: Middle Valley Clearing, tsid: GLI23FELDHD1O3C, itemdata: {}} 2:06:00
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:06:14
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:06:16
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:06:19
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:06:20
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bubble_hard, num: 1} 2:06:36
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: cheese, num: 1} 2:06:42
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: cherry, num: 20} 2:06:54
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bunch_of_grapes, num: 3} 2:07:06
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:07:09
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:07:20
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate15835 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:07:48
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI3272LOTD1B1F"... 2:07:51
[StreetService] "GLI3272LOTD1B1F" loaded. 2:07:52
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:07:52
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:07:57
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:03
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:06
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate18739 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:08:09
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate18739 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:08:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:25
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:29
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:32
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:48
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:08:51
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate18747 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:08:58
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate18747 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:09:05
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate18747 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:09:22
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF101NCNU112O2"... 2:11:12
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:12
[StreetService] "GIF101NCNU112O2" loaded. 2:11:15
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:11:15
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:16
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:11:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:28
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:31
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B301602155 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:11:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:44
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:48
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B301602155 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:11:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:52
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:11:55
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B301602155 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:11:58
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 4, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 9} 2:12:03
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, fromBagIndex: 3, toIndex: 4} 2:12:07
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 5, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 10} 2:12:10
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 0, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 1} 2:12:13
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 0, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 11} 2:12:16
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 3} 2:12:20
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, fromBagIndex: 5, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 2} 2:12:23
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, fromBagIndex: 7, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 5} 2:12:26
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 3, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 6} 2:12:29
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 7} 2:12:34
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, fromBagIndex: 11, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 7} 2:12:38
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, fromBagIndex: 11, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 8} 2:12:44
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: beer (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: 8, count: 1, streetName: Oktyabrya, tsid: GIF101NCNU112O2, itemdata: {}} 2:12:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:12:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:12:59
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:01
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B301602155 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:13:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:13
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:14
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:16
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:18
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B301602155 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:13:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:32
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:35
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D16629427 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:13:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:44
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:13:47
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D16629427 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:13:51
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 11} 2:13:57
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 10, streetName: Oktyabrya, tsid: GIF101NCNU112O2, itemdata: {}} 2:14:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:15
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:19
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D16629427 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:14:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:25
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:28
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D16629427 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:14:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:32
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:36
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D16629427 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:14:39
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:43
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:14:46
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: D484315436 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:14:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:10
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:13
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: G495038345 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:15:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:16
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:19
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: G495038345 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:15:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:35
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:38
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B916503015 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:15:42
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:44
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:47
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B916503015 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:15:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:52
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:15:55
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B916503015 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:15:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:16:00
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:16:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B916503015 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:16:06
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 10, streetName: Oktyabrya, tsid: GIF101NCNU112O2, itemdata: {}} 2:16:15
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 10, streetName: Oktyabrya, tsid: GIF101NCNU112O2, itemdata: {}} 2:16:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:16:30
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:16:33
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: B916503015 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:16:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:17:00
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:17:04
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: B382879908 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:17:06
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:17:08
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF102FDNU11314"... 2:17:10
[StreetService] "GIF102FDNU11314" loaded. 2:17:11
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:17:11
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:17:11
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:17:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:08
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:12
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:18:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:17
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:20
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:18:23
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:25
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:28
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:18:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:32
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:36
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:18:38
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:18:40
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:18:43
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 3, toIndex: 0} 2:18:57
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHH101L162117H2"... 2:19:13
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:19:13
[StreetService] "GHH101L162117H2" loaded. 2:19:14
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:19:14
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:19:16
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:19:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:06
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:09
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ig1052735269 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 2:20:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:13
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:17
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9029 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:20:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:21
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:24
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9029 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:20:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:28
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:32
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9029 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:20:34
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:34
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:38
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9029 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:20:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:42
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:45
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:47
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9029 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:20:48
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:20:51
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9029 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:20:53
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 20, streetName: The Entrance, tsid: GHH101L162117H2, itemdata: {}} 2:21:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:11
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:14
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:21:18
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:19
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:21:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:25
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:29
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:21:31
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 2, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 12} 2:21:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:43
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:46
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:21:49
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:54
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:21:57
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:22:00
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHH110KCF411NK6"... 2:22:06
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:06
[StreetService] "GHH110KCF411NK6" loaded. 2:22:06
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:22:06
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:09
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:22:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:13
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:17
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4608 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:22:20
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:21
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:24
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4608 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:22:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:29
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:32
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4608 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:22:35
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:37
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:40
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4608 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:22:43
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:44
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:47
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4608 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:22:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:51
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gj' of null
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:22:57
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:00
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4609 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:23:03
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:03
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:07
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4609 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:23:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:11
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:14
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4609 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:23:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:18
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:21
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4609 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:23:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:26
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:29
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4609 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:23:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:36
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:40
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4610 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:23:43
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:45
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:48
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4610 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:23:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:55
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:23:58
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4610 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:24:01
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:03
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:06
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4610 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:24:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:10
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:13
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate4610 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:24:16
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHH1011JSO11ORS"... 2:24:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:24
[StreetService] "GHH1011JSO11ORS" loaded. 2:24:25
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:24:25
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:28
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:24:29
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:34
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:37
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3395 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:24:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:42
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:24:46
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3395 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:24:48
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: bunch_of_grapes (Null) with arguments: {slot: 8, subSlot: 2, count: 10, streetName: Level 2 West, tsid: GHH1011JSO11ORS, itemdata: {}} 2:25:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:10
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:13
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3395 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:25:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:18
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3395 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:25:24
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:26
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:29
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3395 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:25:32
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:47
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:50
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3398 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:25:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:56
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:25:59
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3398 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:26:02
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:04
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:07
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3398 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:26:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:10
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:14
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3398 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:26:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:19
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate3398 (Plant) with arguments: {} 2:26:25
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI107JLRU11EM2"... 2:26:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:36
[StreetService] "GLI107JLRU11EM2" loaded. 2:26:37
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:26:37
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:39
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:26:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:48
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:52
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:54
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:26:57
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHH12E1QP611OPA"... 2:27:27
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:27:27
[StreetService] "GHH12E1QP611OPA" loaded. 2:27:28
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:27:28
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:27:30
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:27:32
[StreetService] Requesting street "LIF102FDNU11314"... 2:28:07
[StreetService] "LIF102FDNU11314" loaded. 2:28:08
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:28:08
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:28:10
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:28:29
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:28:32
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF12PMQ5121D68"... 2:29:04
[StreetService] "GIF12PMQ5121D68" loaded. 2:29:05
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 2:29:05
[StreetService] Street assembled. 2:29:09
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:29:14
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:29:17
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 2:29:17
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: showy_sapphire, num: 13} 2:29:25
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: luminous_moonstone, num: 7} 2:29:33
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: modestly_sized_ruby, num: 6} 2:29:40
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_metal, num: 10} 2:29:47
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 50} 2:29:55
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_sparkly, num: 30} 2:30:01
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_dullite, num: 22} 2:30:06
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:30:29
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:30:31
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bigger_green_bag, num: 1} 2:30:50
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: egg_seasoner, num: 1} 2:31:16
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: hoe, num: 1} 2:31:24
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: fruit_changing_machine, num: 1} 2:31:31
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: spice_mill, num: 1} 2:31:36
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: focusing_orb, num: 1} 2:31:52
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: quill, num: 1} 2:32:01
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: bigger_gray_bag, num: 1} 2:32:29
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: T1014383179 (NPC) with arguments: {} 2:32:39
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Multiplayer (Player)] Socket closed 3:09:37
[Metabolics] Websocket closed:  3:09:55
[Multiplayer (Street)] Socket closed 3:09:56
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:10:33
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:10:37
[Server Communication] Sending squeeze to entity: C862069757 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:10:39
[StreetService] Requesting street "GIF102FDNU11314"... 3:11:03
[StreetService] "GIF102FDNU11314" loaded. 3:11:04
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:11:04
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:11:06
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:11:50
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:11:53
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:11:57
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:12:03
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:12:06
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:12:09
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, fromBagIndex: 2, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 0} 3:12:15
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 7, fromBagIndex: 10, toIndex: 7, toBagIndex: 2} 3:12:21
[Server Communication] Sending chop to entity: knife_and_board (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Ilmenskie, tsid: GIF102FDNU11314, itemdata: {durabilityUsed: 2}} 3:12:36
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: sammich (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Ilmenskie, tsid: GIF102FDNU11314, itemdata: {}} 3:12:58
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:13:01
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:13:04
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:13:07
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:13:10
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:13:13
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:13:17
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:13:38
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:13:53
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:13:57
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: G688262859 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:13:59
[Multiplayer (Player)] Socket closed 3:14:14
[Weather] Socket closed:  3:14:14
[Quest] Websocket closed:  3:14:14
[Multiplayer (Street)] Socket closed 3:14:14
[Metabolics] Websocket closed:  3:14:14
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Weather] Error Instance of 'Event' 3:14:17
[Weather] Socket closed:  3:14:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:14:40
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:14:43
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:14:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:14:47
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:14:51
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:14:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:00
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:15:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:08
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:12
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:15:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:16
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:20
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S29445785 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:15:22
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:24
[Console Error @] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gj' of null
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:27
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHH101L162117H2"... 3:15:38
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:38
[StreetService] "GHH101L162117H2" loaded. 3:15:40
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:15:40
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:15:42
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:15:42
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:04
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:07
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:16:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:14
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:17
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:16:21
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:29
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:32
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:16:39
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: bigger_green_bag (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: The Entrance, tsid: GHH101L162117H2, itemdata: {slots: [{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0}]}} 3:16:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:47
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:50
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:16:50
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:16:52
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ib827557213 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 3:16:54
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 0, toIndex: 1, toBagIndex: 0} 3:17:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:07
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ib782529094 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 3:17:10
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:11
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:12
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:15
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate9030 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:17:19
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHH112FHF411BUI"... 3:17:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:31
[StreetService] "GHH112FHF411BUI" loaded. 3:17:32
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:17:32
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:17:35
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:43
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:46
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S899720361 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:17:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:52
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:55
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S899720361 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:17:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:17:59
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:02
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S899720361 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:18:05
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:06
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:09
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S899720361 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:18:13
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:19
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S899720361 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:18:26
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:30
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:33
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S1013638088 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:18:37
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:40
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:43
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S1013638088 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:18:46
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:47
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:18:50
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S1013638088 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:18:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:09
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:13
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S1013638088 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:19:16
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:19
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S1013638088 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:19:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:41
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:44
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S750956356 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:19:48
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: bigger_green_bag (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 1 East, tsid: GHH112FHF411BUI, itemdata: {slots: [{"itemType":"luminous_moonstone","item":{"category":"Collectibles","iconUrl":"","spriteUrl":"","name":"Luminous Moonstone","description":"A moonstone of eerie luminosity.","itemType":"luminous_moonstone","price":1000,"stacksTo":3,"iconNum":4,"subSlots":0,"onGround":false,"isContainer":false,"actions":[{"actionName":"drop","enabled":true,"multiEnabled":true,"description":"Drop this item on the ground.","timeRequired":0,"itemRequirements":{"any":[],"all":{},"error":"You don't have the required item(s)"},"skillRequirements":{"requiredSkillLevels":{},"error":"You don't have the required skill(s)"},"energyRequirements":{"energyAmount":0,"error":"You need at least 0 energy to perform this action"}}],"consumeValues":{},"metadata":{}},"count":1},{"itemType":"chunk_beryl","item":{"category":"Basic Resources","iconUrl":"","spriteUrl":"","name":"Chunk of Beryl","description":"Halfway between sparkly and dull, it's an innocuous chunk of beryl.","itemType":"chunk_beryl","price":6,"stacksTo":50,"iconNum":4,"subSlots":0,"onGround":false,"isContainer":false,"actions":[{"actionName":"drop","enabled":true,"multiEnabled":true,"description":"Drop this item on the ground.","timeRequired":0,"itemRequirements":{"any":[],"all":{},"error":"You don't have the required item(s)"},"skillRequirements":{"requiredSkillLevels":{},"error":"You don't have the required skill(s)"},"energyRequirements":{"energyAmount":0,"error":"You need at least 0 energy to perform this action"}}],"consumeValues":{},"metadata":{}},"count":6},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0}]}} 3:19:51
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:51
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:19:55
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ib574913367 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 3:19:57
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:00
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S750956356 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:20:07
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:09
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:12
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S750956356 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:20:15
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: bigger_green_bag (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 1 East, tsid: GHH112FHF411BUI, itemdata: {slots: [{"itemType":"luminous_moonstone","item":{"category":"Collectibles","iconUrl":"","spriteUrl":"","name":"Luminous Moonstone","description":"A moonstone of eerie luminosity.","itemType":"luminous_moonstone","price":1000,"stacksTo":3,"iconNum":4,"subSlots":0,"onGround":false,"isContainer":false,"actions":[{"actionName":"drop","enabled":true,"multiEnabled":true,"description":"Drop this item on the ground.","timeRequired":0,"itemRequirements":{"any":[],"all":{},"error":"You don't have the required item(s)"},"skillRequirements":{"requiredSkillLevels":{},"error":"You don't have the required skill(s)"},"energyRequirements":{"energyAmount":0,"error":"You need at least 0 energy to perform this action"}}],"consumeValues":{},"metadata":{}},"count":1},{"itemType":"chunk_beryl","item":{"category":"Basic Resources","iconUrl":"","spriteUrl":"","name":"Chunk of Beryl","description":"Halfway between sparkly and dull, it's an innocuous chunk of beryl.","itemType":"chunk_beryl","price":6,"stacksTo":50,"iconNum":4,"subSlots":0,"onGround":false,"isContainer":false,"actions":[{"actionName":"drop","enabled":true,"multiEnabled":true,"description":"Drop this item on the ground.","timeRequired":0,"itemRequirements":{"any":[],"all":{},"error":"You don't have the required item(s)"},"skillRequirements":{"requiredSkillLevels":{},"error":"You don't have the required skill(s)"},"energyRequirements":{"energyAmount":0,"error":"You need at least 0 energy to perform this action"}}],"consumeValues":{},"metadata":{}},"count":8},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0},{"itemType":"","item":null,"count":0}]}} 3:20:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:19
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:23
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:24
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:28
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:35
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:38
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:42
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:46
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:51
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ib1036662625 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 3:20:54
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:55
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:20:56
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:21:00
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S750956356 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:21:04
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: S750956356 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:21:12
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI101QQRA211SM"... 3:21:27
[StreetService] "GLI101QQRA211SM" loaded. 3:21:28
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:21:28
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:21:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:21:55
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:21:59
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:22:01
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: modestly_sized_ruby, num: 2} 3:22:16
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: showy_sapphire, num: 3} 3:22:34
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_sparkly, num: 50} 3:22:41
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: walloping_big_diamond, num: 2} 3:22:51
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: luminous_moonstone, num: 1} 3:23:13
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 1} 3:23:19
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:23:22
[Server Communication] Sending sell to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:23:30
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 9} 3:23:37
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:23:41
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:23:55
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: scrumptious_frittata, num: 2} 3:24:40
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: rich_tagine, num: 3} 3:24:58
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: super_veggie_kebabs, num: 2} 3:25:09
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: hash, num: 5} 3:25:37
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: simple_bbq, num: 2} 3:25:44
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:25:49
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: scrumptious_frittata (Null) with arguments: {slot: 2, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:25:56
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: scrumptious_frittata (Null) with arguments: {slot: 2, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:25:59
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: super_veggie_kebabs (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:26:06
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: super_veggie_kebabs (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:26:09
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: hash (Null) with arguments: {slot: 5, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:26:15
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: hash (Null) with arguments: {slot: 5, subSlot: -1, count: 4, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:26:25
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: rich_tagine (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:26:32
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: rich_tagine (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: -1, count: 2, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:26:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:26:48
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:26:52
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:26:53
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: earthshaker, num: 1} 3:27:02
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: flaming_humbaba, num: 1} 3:27:07
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: pineapple_upside_down_pizza, num: 1} 3:27:18
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: rich_tagine, num: 5} 3:27:31
[Server Communication] Sending buyItem to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chillybusting_chili, num: 5} 3:27:40
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: M412895600 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:27:43
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: pineapple_upside_down_pizza (Null) with arguments: {slot: 4, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 2 East, tsid: GLI101QQRA211SM, itemdata: {}} 3:27:48
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:27:56
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI1D3B2U5715LL"... 3:27:59
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:27:59
[StreetService] "GLI1D3B2U5715LL" loaded. 3:28:00
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:28:00
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:28:04
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: earthshaker (Null) with arguments: {slot: 2, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 3 East, tsid: GLI1D3B2U5715LL, itemdata: {}} 3:28:21
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1101 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:28:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:34
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:38
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1101 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:28:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:41
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:44
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1101 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:28:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:48
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:51
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1101 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:28:54
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:55
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:28:58
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1101 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:29:01
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:06
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:09
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1103 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:29:12
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: rich_tagine (Null) with arguments: {slot: 5, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 3 East, tsid: GLI1D3B2U5715LL, itemdata: {}} 3:29:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:18
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1103 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:29:29
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:30
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:33
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1103 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:29:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:37
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:40
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1103 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:29:43
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:52
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:29:56
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1103 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:29:59
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: rich_tagine (Null) with arguments: {slot: 5, subSlot: -1, count: 2, streetName: Level 3 East, tsid: GLI1D3B2U5715LL, itemdata: {}} 3:30:04
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:30:08
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:30:12
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1105 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:30:15
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1105 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:30:28
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:30:30
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:30:33
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1105 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:30:36
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:30:37
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:30:40
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1105 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:30:43
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: flaming_humbaba (Null) with arguments: {slot: 3, subSlot: -1, count: 1, streetName: Level 3 East, tsid: GLI1D3B2U5715LL, itemdata: {}} 3:30:50
[Server Communication] Sending eat to entity: rich_tagine (Null) with arguments: {slot: 5, subSlot: -1, count: 2, streetName: Level 3 East, tsid: GLI1D3B2U5715LL, itemdata: {}} 3:30:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:30:59
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate1105 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:31:06
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI1D2QFT571VQT"... 3:31:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:15
[StreetService] "GLI1D2QFT571VQT" loaded. 3:31:16
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:31:16
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:18
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:31:20
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:25
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:28
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13743 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:31:31
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:38
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:41
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13743 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:31:44
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:47
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:50
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:52
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13743 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:31:53
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:31:56
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13743 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:31:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:00
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:03
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13743 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:32:06
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:12
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:16
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:32:19
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:20
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:23
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:32:26
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:27
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:30
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:32:33
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:34
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:37
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:32:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:41
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:44
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:32:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:50
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:53
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:32:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:32:59
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:33:02
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:33:05
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:33:09
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:33:12
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate13742 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:33:15
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:33:25
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:33:28
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:33:38
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:33:40
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:33:41
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: modestly_sized_ruby, num: 5} 3:33:49
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_beryl, num: 8} 3:33:57
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: luminous_moonstone, num: 2} 3:34:03
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: chunk_sparkly, num: 40} 3:34:10
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: showy_sapphire, num: 2} 3:34:21
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: walloping_big_diamond, num: 2} 3:34:27
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 0, fromBagIndex: 1, toIndex: 2} 3:34:33
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 0, fromBagIndex: 0, toIndex: 3} 3:34:36
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate13745 (NPC) with arguments: {} 3:35:17
[Server Communication] Sending focus energy to entity: focusing_orb (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 16, count: 1, streetName: Level 4 East, tsid: GLI1D2QFT571VQT, itemdata: {}} 3:35:23
[Server Communication] Sending meditate to entity: focusing_orb (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 16, count: 1, streetName: Level 4 East, tsid: GLI1D2QFT571VQT, itemdata: {}} 3:36:02
[Server Communication] Sending season to entity: bean_seasoner (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 8, count: 1, streetName: Level 4 East, tsid: GLI1D2QFT571VQT, itemdata: {}} 3:36:17
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:36:31
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI1D5DO1671QPA"... 3:36:34
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:36:35
[StreetService] "GLI1D5DO1671QPA" loaded. 3:36:35
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:36:35
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:36:40
[Server Communication] Sending levitate to entity: focusing_orb (Null) with arguments: {slot: 6, subSlot: 16, count: 1, streetName: The Other Drop, tsid: GLI1D5DO1671QPA, itemdata: {}} 3:37:22
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI1D2QFT571VQT"... 3:37:51
[StreetService] "GLI1D2QFT571VQT" loaded. 3:37:51
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:37:51
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:37:54
[StreetService] Requesting street "GLI1D5DO1671QPA"... 3:37:58
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:37:58
[StreetService] "GLI1D5DO1671QPA" loaded. 3:37:59
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:37:59
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:38:01
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:38:02
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA91JU4QQ712DJN"... 3:38:20
[StreetService] "GA91JU4QQ712DJN" loaded. 3:38:21
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:38:21
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:38:25
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:36
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:40
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:41
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:43
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:44
[Server Communication] Sending pick up to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:45
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:46
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:41:48
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA918AIN63127HB"... 3:42:47
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:42:47
[StreetService] "GA918AIN63127HB" loaded. 3:42:48
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 3:42:48
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:42:50
[StreetService] Street assembled. 3:42:56
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:43:01
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:43:04
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate8511 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:43:08
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:43:10
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:43:13
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate8511 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:43:16
[Server Communication] Sending squish to entity: migrate17442 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:43:18
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: F665782051 (Null) with arguments: {} 3:43:22
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate8511 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:43:25
[Server Communication] Sending mine to entity: migrate8511 (Plant) with arguments: {} 3:43:32
lucykennedy commented 8 years ago

Ah - it's not an unmineable rock, it's just that both my picks had broken and I didn't see any message telling me so. Whoops! It would be great to fix that, though - could it work like when you try to mine something without having a pick at all?