ChildrenOfUr / cou-issues

CoU Issues
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Nostalgia Buff #2018

Open cou-issue-bot opened 7 years ago

cou-issue-bot commented 7 years ago

Jacuzzi Queen

This happened to me last night too but now it's happened twice, so that counts as recreation, yes? Tonight, I was on Yokel Yarn 6 (arrived via a visiting stone), and I went all along YY to Yokel Yarn 1. I still had plenty of time in the Nostalgia Buff, but I decided to teleport elsewhere. I clicked the minimap, then searched around, found Akki Blocks, and clicked to teleport there. Instead, I ended up on Manya Man, with a long string of 'The nostalgia is overwhelming. You need to take a break' messages on-screen and in the local chat.

Last night, I was also somewhere in the Ancestral Lands, and I'd also arrived via visiting stone; I'd found a bunch of the time quoins and had sooo much time left, but again, wanted to leave early. I tried to teleport out, it kicked me to a street on the fringe of the Ancestral Lands, and I got a truly long list of 'nostalgia is too overwhelming' messages, to the point where I said something like 'okay I got it' and 'SHEESH' in local chat. For my own benefit. :)

tl;dr - Leaving the Ancestral Lands early punted me to a street different than the one I'd chosen, as well as a string of 'take a break' messages. Visiting stones may or may not be involved.

User Agent

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.71 Safari/537.36 | Server ping: 122 ms


[SoundManager] Registered services 0:00:01
[Server Communication] Map data loaded. 0:00:01
[AuthManager] Setting API tokens 0:00:02
[AuthManager] Logged in 0:00:02
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS"... 0:00:02
[StreetService] "GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS" loaded. 0:00:02
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:00:02
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:00:03
Game loaded! 0:00:03
[UI] Sorry, this browser does not support the gamepad API 0:00:07
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate11290 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:01:00
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate11288 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:01:04
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate11289 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:01:08
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate11298 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:01:11
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 3, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:01:19
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, fromBagIndex: 2, toIndex: 1, toBagIndex: 11} 0:01:21
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, fromBagIndex: 11, toIndex: 1, toBagIndex: 2} 0:01:23
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 10, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:01:25
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 2, subSlot: 3, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:01:30
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: 12, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:01:36
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 7, subSlot: 13, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:01:39
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 9, subSlot: 13, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:01:45
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ic416340139 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:01:51
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ic462392560 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:01:52
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: ic440041289 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:01:55
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: pungent_sunrise (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:02:11
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: slow_gin_fizz (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: 3, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:02:15
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: cosma_politan (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: 11, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:02:21
[Server Communication] Sending buy to entity: migrate11286 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:02:30
[Server Communication] Sending sellItem to entity: migrate11286 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: hooch, num: 48} 0:02:39
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 3, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:02:46
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 11, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:02:48
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 10, count: 1, streetName: Slappao Kalt, tsid: GHV8KV9R4MA3JLS, itemdata: {}} 0:02:49
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, fromBagIndex: 2, toIndex: 0, toBagIndex: 7} 0:02:52
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, fromBagIndex: 1, toIndex: 0, toBagIndex: 6} 0:02:54
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate11286 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:03:15
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHV8H4NQ4MA316V"... 0:03:29
[StreetService] "GHV8H4NQ4MA316V" loaded. 0:03:29
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:03:29
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:03:33
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate592 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:03:54
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate597 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:03:58
[Server Communication] Sending commune with to entity: migrate589 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:04:01
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 2, count: 1, streetName: Klikka Kawer, tsid: GHV8H4NQ4MA316V, itemdata: {}} 0:04:08
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 1, count: 1, streetName: Klikka Kawer, tsid: GHV8H4NQ4MA316V, itemdata: {}} 0:04:10
[Server Communication] Sending donate to entity: migrate589 (NPC) with arguments: {itemType: onion, qty: 1} 0:04:14
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate589 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:04:18
[Server Communication] Sending moveItem to entity: global_action_monster (Null) with arguments: {fromIndex: 1, fromBagIndex: 1, toIndex: 9, toBagIndex: 13} 0:04:24
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate585 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:43
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate586 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:47
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate591 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:51
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate593 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:55
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate594 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:04:59
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate587 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:05:02
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate595 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:05:10
[Server Communication] Sending collect to entity: migrate588 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:05:15
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 1, count: 1, streetName: Klikka Kawer, tsid: GHV8H4NQ4MA316V, itemdata: {}} 0:06:32
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 2, count: 1, streetName: Klikka Kawer, tsid: GHV8H4NQ4MA316V, itemdata: {}} 0:06:34
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 3, count: 1, streetName: Klikka Kawer, tsid: GHV8H4NQ4MA316V, itemdata: {}} 0:06:35
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 10, count: 1, streetName: Klikka Kawer, tsid: GHV8H4NQ4MA316V, itemdata: {}} 0:06:37
[Server Communication] Sending drink to entity: cup_of_water (Null) with arguments: {slot: 1, subSlot: 11, count: 1, streetName: Klikka Kawer, tsid: GHV8H4NQ4MA316V, itemdata: {}} 0:06:38
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHV8E39Q4MA3CMV"... 0:06:55
[StreetService] "GHV8E39Q4MA3CMV" loaded. 0:06:56
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:06:56
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:06:58
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21210 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:07:17
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21210 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:07:21
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate21210 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:07:27
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21210 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:07:33
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:07:41
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:07:45
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:07:50
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: P3287629 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:07:56
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:08:03
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:08:09
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:08:14
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:08:19
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate21209 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:08:24
[Server Communication] Sending rename to entity: P3287629 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:28
[Server Communication] Sending nibble to entity: P3287629 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:41
[Server Communication] Sending nibble to entity: P3287629 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:47
[Server Communication] Sending check for mail to entity: migrate21213 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:53
[Server Communication] Sending commune with to entity: migrate21212 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:56
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate21212 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:08:57
[Server Communication] Sending drop to entity: pungent_sunrise (Null) with arguments: {slot: 0, subSlot: 0, count: 1, streetName: Tunglio Bru, tsid: GHV8E39Q4MA3CMV, itemdata: {}} 0:09:10
[StreetService] Requesting street "GHVCUKA1I0B3UE8"... 0:09:17
[StreetService] "GHVCUKA1I0B3UE8" loaded. 0:09:18
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:09:18
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:09:20
[Server Communication] Sending commune with to entity: migrate5457 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:09:49
[Server Communication] Sending close to entity: migrate5457 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:09:51
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in1007295797 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:10:03
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in1007295797 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:10:18
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in701075421 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:10:23
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in123511785 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:10:31
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: id741179849 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:10:41
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: il89295216 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:10:43
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: in123511785 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:10:48
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: in701075421 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:10:52
[Server Communication] Sending pickup to entity: in1007295797 (GroundItem) with arguments: {count: 1} 0:10:55
[Server Communication] Sending visit a street to entity: migrate5455 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:11:03
[StreetService] Requesting street "LIFF1EO026A2RBV"... 0:11:03
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending visit a street to entity: migrate5455 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:11:07
[StreetService] Requesting street "LUV7RET3OND3R82"... 0:11:07
[Console Error @] Uncaught 
[Server Communication] Sending visit a street to entity: migrate5455 (NPC) with arguments: {} 0:11:12
[StreetService] Requesting street "LA513OVR0J52BMT"... 0:11:13
[StreetService] "LA513OVR0J52BMT" loaded. 0:11:13
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:11:13
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:11:15
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in752482486 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:11:25
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA514K0J3J52ID0"... 0:14:06
[StreetService] "GA514K0J3J52ID0" loaded. 0:14:07
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:14:07
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:14:09
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in75267302 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:14:13
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA512SK50J52F8M"... 0:14:46
[StreetService] "GA512SK50J52F8M" loaded. 0:14:46
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:14:46
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:14:48
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in313838554 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:14:59
[Server Communication] Sending pet to entity: migrate21134 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:15:17
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21134 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:15:22
[Server Communication] Sending harvest to entity: migrate21134 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:15:26
[Server Communication] Sending water to entity: migrate21134 (Plant) with arguments: {} 0:15:31
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5140E01J52TLO"... 0:15:37
[StreetService] "GA5140E01J52TLO" loaded. 0:15:37
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:15:37
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:15:40
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in279984211 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:15:59
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in8737219 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:16:13
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5133PB0J522JA"... 0:16:28
[StreetService] "GA5133PB0J522JA" loaded. 0:16:29
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:16:29
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:16:31
[StreetService] Requesting street "GA5146Q41J528U9"... 0:16:53
[StreetService] "GA5146Q41J528U9" loaded. 0:16:54
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:16:54
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:16:56
[Server Communication] Sending read note to entity: in980928348 (GroundItem) with arguments: {} 0:17:10
[Server Communication] Sending global teleport with arguments: {tsid: LHV4AC2C3C42172} 0:17:39
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHV4AC2C3C42172"... 0:17:40
[StreetService] "LHV4AC2C3C42172" loaded. 0:17:41
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:17:41
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHF4QVGL7NI269C"... 0:17:41
[StreetService] "LHF4QVGL7NI269C" loaded. 0:17:42
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:17:42
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHF4QVGL7NI269C"... 0:17:42
[StreetService] "LHF4QVGL7NI269C" loaded. 0:17:43
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:17:43
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:17:44
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHF4QVGL7NI269C"... 0:17:44
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHF4QVGL7NI269C"... 0:17:44
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:17:46
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHF4QVGL7NI269C"... 0:17:47
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHF4QVGL7NI269C"... 0:17:47
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:17:47
[StreetService] Loading of "LHF4QVGL7NI269C" was cancelled during download. 0:17:47
[StreetService] Loading of "LHF4QVGL7NI269C" was cancelled during download. 0:17:47
[StreetService] Loading of "LHF4QVGL7NI269C" was cancelled during download. 0:17:47
[StreetService] Loading of "LHF4QVGL7NI269C" was cancelled during download. 0:17:47
[StreetService] Requesting street "LHF4QVGL7NI269C"... 0:17:47
[StreetService] "LHF4QVGL7NI269C" loaded. 0:17:48
[StreetService] Assembling Street... 0:17:48
[StreetService] Street assembled. 0:17:49
starrkittyface commented 7 years ago

I've noticed the repeat nostalgia error thing. I got a video of it, I did try to take a visiting stone but it put me somewhere else in the desert so had to TP out of the desert to recreate that error forgive me. But it also shows a bunch of the "You are the first one here!" message too... Hope this helps!!!

ETA: WHOA!!! The switch location part that JQ mentioned; at the end of this video you see me TP to Tejj Trades, right after i finished uploading the PSR my inventory was acting funny so i refreshed and it put me in a DIFFERENT LOCATION (Qabena Quaint) when it loaded!!! So weird!!!

ETA2 - In playing with this a lil bit it looks like maybe in some fashion the Savanna is creating multiple instances of us which is where the location thing seems to be factoring in... I just had it where there were two different sceneries and two different regions' music playing at the same time, it was pretty intense. Hehe. Unsure if that helps but I'm gunna stop toying with it now unless you guys need additional troubleshooting info that I can help with. :-)